Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


1400KMH at 6000-7000 meters is like 950-1000 KMH IAS. In 2 180* turns you’ll be down to 500 KMH

I don’t play it anymore. I’m done with it. Not gonna touch it in AIR until some major changes comes to it or AIR RB itself

Best success I had was playing rat mode, but that isn’t a strength of Su-27, any plane can do rat mode.

Spaded the F-15C on release day of the patch, but spaded the Su-27SM only today, in ground RB

Using it only in ground RB right now

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honestly the F-4F KWS felt a bit better because it has 120s and doesn’t do that weird sticky rocking thing the Su-27SM does before you get new boosters
oh and the radar isn’t complete trash and the ACM works

1000kmh IAS at 7000m altitude. Simulating 2 notches and 2 re-commits with 5 seconds in between.
Honestly they perform pretty similarly.

I play the Su-27 in BVR and after everyone defends the oncoming SPAMRAAMs, I switch to a rat playstyle until the match progresses into a close range missile joust engagement. The Su-27 is especially good at rat playstyle because of the ET.

The Su-27SM is a versatile plane.

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Doesn’t matter that I don’t know the exact numbers at the top of my head, the Su-27 has bad acceleration at altitude, and bad energy retention.

If you want we can test this FOX-3 exchange at altitude.

I’ll play F-15C

You can play the amazing Su-27SM

Missile that gets 1 tap missiled (yes not flared! Missiled!) Enemy fires Aim-120 and it follows aim-120 instead of enemy. Truly great

Literally not saying the F-15C and the Su-27SM are equal. I’m saying the Su-27SM is not trash. It can compete.


If they know its coming, and sometimes its too late.

Gaijin, where? Cobra 110-120deg :(


This discussion is entirely pointless. The number of players who legitimately know how to dogfight and are sufficiently experienced enough to do so without any major mistakes are so low… the common War Thunder player will be absolutely stunted on just because the Su-27 entered the merge a little slower on purpose.

The average War Thunder pilot lets players in far inferior aircraft pull stunts like this;


Pointless is saying that the plane is fine so long as your opponents are incompetent and don’t know what they’re doing. This isn’t even a war thunder thing. No matter what game or sport that you play, it isn’t a wise idea to pick a strategy built upon the premise that your opponent is bad. You’re in for a bad time if your chosen tactics fall apart if the opponent is at least your equal.


Interesting, devs see the model as most accurate to the game limitations. Implementing the paper Oswald number would mess up the vehicle instead of improve it.

No, that is not what I am saying. I am saying the aircraft is far better than most and equipped with some of the best ordnance. The vast majority of enemies have no idea what they are doing regardless. Putting yourself intentionally into situations where the enemy might have an advantage doesn’t even harm your performance much due to that fact.


Why don’t you show the performance of the su-27 radar when someone is notching

Here you go. Don’t mind the ER, I waited too long before re-locking.

Notice how the radar is able to maintain lock and provide guidance for the ER even though the target is side aspect. I’m all for the Su-27 getting buffed but god damn everyone exaggerates so much. The Su-27 is not that bad.


The point you are making is basically flight performance doesn’t matter because War Thunder player is bad at the game and will fly in front of your guns is extremely asinine. Most players are going to trend towards being average in skill level which means they will perform better in planes that are just better.

Like what do you think happens if we dogfight in SB and I take the F-16A and you take the MiG-29SMT? You would lose every time. You would also lose the vast majority of the time against players that have gained all of their experience in the past year or so.


Only bad thing about Su-27’s radar is it’s atrociously bad TWS/TWS HDN mode that requires careful use. Other than that it performs more or less on same level of it’s contemporaries.

Don’t forget 10km acm


I usually use HMD IRST to PD lock to get around that. If there are clouds that’s another story tho.