Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Well, so far there’s nothing new under the sun. The MiG-19 took years to be fixed after much discussion in the forum, and when it was fixed, it became the best plane in the game for a short period of time until the MiG-21bis arrived… I wouldn’t be surprised if we only see the true Su-27 in the game in 10 years. The way it is currently in the game, it could be called the Su-18 because at least 33% of the plane is missing.

MiG-29 and Su-27 FM is terrible but the MiG-23 FM is no where near bad. It got nerfed but it still out turns most things in its BR and above.

Want to see a funny joke? Put two good duelists to fight, one in a Su-27 and the other in a MiG-23MLD, and see what happens

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I have no issue with Mig-23 nerf. Because it was historical. I have talked about this with others before. So I accept it because it is historical.

What I don’t accept is 2 other things: US aircraft not being arbitrarily nerfed like Su-27 and having insane flight models.

And that the su-27 and mig-29 flight models are utter garbage unhistorically


The Russians first designed aircraft with such maneuvers in mind from the offset of the basic design.

Mig-23 wins. I said this before. İf Su-27 was so bad compared to mig-23, why did the Russians build Su-27?

Just give mig-23 new radar and HMS and it would have been better than su-27

(According to gaijins flight models)


23ML still overperforming by 0.8G*

With MLD might be even more

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IDK, maybe they want to add Su-27SM(late) as new plane for 400k rp

With the only thing being different engines? Just lol

And F-16 by sh*t ton

Gaijin wants you to spend time or money

They share FM’s with the MLD having worse turn performance due to some drag coefficients so how would it be overperforming ‘more’? Currently it is underperforming as it should have superior turn rate to the heavier and less aerodynamic ML model.

Can you report this? MLD is my first love in the game. I’d like to see it get better if it can

In game it always had more sustained turn rate, idk.

Maybe with 26 june smth changed, but dont think so

Slightly better engines and 2 more pylons is way too small of a difference, they’ve long stopped adding tiny incremental improvements like that. You don’t have to look far: the MiG-29SMT (9-19R) wasn’t made a separate aircraft, it was simply what the MiG-29SMT (9-17) was reworked into once it became clear it isn’t up to par.

Pretty sure the MLs have better sustained rate even before the nerfs. I always thought the MLD had worse turn rate because of slats.

I’m just glad gaijin is maybe realising how garbage RU aircraft are in the game.

The Mig-29SMT that some American mains somehow claimed was “op” when it was F-16C Vs Mig-29SMT. But it got a lower BR than F-16C in the changes.

1.3 deg/s difference at 400 knots, but that was on dev server.
(In which mld better)

I’ve never heard anyone claim the SMT to be OP even on release day. Everyone just collectively shat on the SMT’s because of the FM during release.

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Ah. Ty for clarification.