Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I only played it briefly. But seemed much better on the F15J.

Just go in it

148 km range. FOV modes. Search, Search PD, Search PD, Search PDV HDN.

Just had to share this with you guys , too cool not to share , especially after 2 months of SMT torture. @MiG_23M @Ziggy1989 @BBCRF

Even with mouse aim only, like in my video, the Sukhoi can still get great results.


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they need to add thrust vectoring animation for real

I am out of likes… The Jet is the best meta fighter imo. However it is less maneuverable definitely from dev. I am sad about that over the radar.

Today I learned they can limit AoA without the Instructor based on speed.

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Still, invisibile missiles is a bigger advantage than R-73s in ground RB/SIM

Did the gripen get it’s FM or does it still pull 20G sustained

i do not have it, so i cannot comment about it. I have the F-15J and SU-27 only from the new patch.

Well ok, I’ll believe you and what they told you on TV.

It was nerfed to a measly 13G sustained

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so little, lol, while SMT is crying in the corner trying to beat an F-4E in a dogfight


There isn’t a world where the SMT is inferior to the F-4E in any regard…

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I can literally beat a smt in a 1 circle with a stock f15J no crew. Only thing that can possibly save him is his HMD. Wild af.

I it so much harder now any supermaneuverable moves in a dogfight because you have to be way to slow in the Flanker its no longer feasible

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SMT is aids to play, near impossible to spade now.

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I got into a dogfight with a F-16C and I no longer have any advantage to use high alpha because I must be dead slow for the invisible wall they put in to let me do it.

Yes, in full real controls. You are literally blocked from pulling alpha at 700km and above.

So when the jet finally allows you to pull the alpha. You immediately stall and are in a recovery effort. Completely defeating what the Su27 can do.


You what do you mean by high alpha? You are not trying to do cobra right?

The F4E has better nose reflex ability. You can swing the nose very easily in all directions. As the SMT you must gain momentum as if swinging a large bat around.

The F4E has a superior lift over the SMT and that quick snap shot nose control.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

the jet no longer lets you dynamic decelerate aka “cobra” efficiently.

Pretty much. And after this update the R-73 are hard to effectively use due to the amount of flares and missiles being spammed everywhere. Not to mention the constant clusterfuck of a furball. Only the radar and 2x ERs are good, and well, you know everyone has finally learned to hug the deck.