Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

They seem to have gotten pretty lazy with FM changes as of late. Each time they want to nerf a plane’s sustained turn rate, they just give it a metric boatload of drag by screwing with the Oswald efficiency, which brings the sustained turn rate to target values but completely murders the plane’s energy retention, which itself is next to impossible to bug report. First the MiG-29, then the F-111A, then the Su-27, now the MiG-23, Viggen and Draken - it’s all the same story. I guess this approach is just “good enough” for them, and the fact it can’t be bug reported conveniently means less work for them down the road. The only non-lazy FM rework in recent memory was the Mirage 2000 one.


All of these FM changes are in accordance with reports


Every report I’ve seen was solely about sustained turn rates, which Gaijin chose to match by massively increasing drag and thus gutting energy retention as well, which wasn’t mentioned in the reports at all.


I have to agree with kommunust here

Like mig Said it got like 2x difference, not even a tie fighter engine would do that, you’d expect like 10-20% improvement at Max

It’s hard to get info about drag right, I hope they find a way.

Right now one would think it’s a delta fighter. Funny how mirage 2000 loses less speed


Fulcrum bleeding more energy than the m2k is one of the absurdest situations regarding flight performances ingame


@MiG_23M @BBCRF @dragonflaine71 gaijin really needs to add some filtering for the IRST on SU-27. Some sort of IRST IRCCM.

Does anyone have any sources/ideas about this?

Its simply absurd how it loses lock on an F-15 and relocks to a flare or an AIM-120 when locked to a sun temperature F-15


does anyone know whats up with the weird roll behavior on the Su-27?

Don’t know if it had anything of that sort. But IMO a far greater issue is its abysmal range, especially against front aspect and afterburning targets.


With how bad it is, I’m surprised the IRST doesn’t lock on to the sun.

But if it had some software to ignore the sun, doesn’t it mean it had some sort of filtering/software to ignore flares? Or at least be resistant?

Dunno. Though, I don’t think it should be able to track targets near the sun anyway.

9M can perfectly do this, track target with the sun right behind the target. I don’t see why an IRST with an actual computers hooked up to it can’t do this

I have seen other missiles do this, too.

Except R-73

Nope, had it with it too, lol.

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Funny that someone just needs one video without full armament and probably with minimal fuel as evidence…

I think this isn’t worth discussing anymore

The original question of whether the Su 27 can perform this manoeuvre with full AA armament and full fuel is not resolved.