Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I know. But this almost useless. You will be killed anyway if you fo that during the combat

I had 20 second fuel left, no flares left, no ammo left, no missiles left, and i tried dodging F-4S with cobra in MIG-29G as last resort and he just rammed me today lol

just tested, it definitely pulls over 90deg in a cobra on min fuel no load currently ingame, will upload the video momentarily

Last time it was ~100° not more

i tested with 450-500 IAS speed. didnt get above 90*. might test higher speed if it makes a difference

This maneuver is performed at high speeds, and what you did is closer to derailing the flow and getting into a spin

what speed should i test on, what fuel percentage?

at around 650~ i was able to pull about 100deg of AoA

Cobra ~100deg

700+ any% except full load

The video was taken from live version on 15 Dec

Just like a said

Why test this maneuver further? My almost empty Su-27 could not make a 120deg cobra

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i hope i am not misremembering things, but i feel like it got very close to doing it in dev server? or even did it?

On the dev server he did it completely differently

dev server Su-27 was completely different, you could fling yourself into a cobra then stall by just pressing elevator while rolling

better than the brick we have now, at least it was fun. the instructor actually pulled aoa in mouse control during that time. now it just turns bad in mouse aim period

You used to be able to pull good AOA with Su-27 without full control, on mouse aim before they made it garbage.

This was with missiles still attached and around 25 minute fuel load, ON MOUSE AİM.

At least it was fun, now you don’t even turn much but just lose all speed. (On mouse aim, I dropped SIM because red is basically David Vs Goliath in sim)