Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Idk what you guys are exactly talking about but what I can say regarding “oswald coefficient” is that when they changed it in the mig29 back in september 2023 It destroyed its energy retention.

IMO the fulcrum prob sucks in Air RB because of a mix between the Instructor being poorly adjusted and this problem regarding the oswald coefficient, the su probably suffers from the same issues

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OK. Then why can’t the Su-27 perform the legendary 120-degree cobra maneuver? Have the developers answered this question?

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it can, you just need to switch to full real controls for the manoeuvre

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it can barely do 90* at min fuel no missiles in full real

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seems to work fine to me

120*=85*, nice math.

Next time your job gives you only %70 of your salary, tell him looks fine to me boss


Min fuel you say?

Btw it was more then 85 degree.

Also could you point me multiple sources where it states Su-27 can do cobra with full armament and full fuel loadout? I would like to see it.

I wouldn’t bother showing him facts, he’s just delusional

This is dev server video isn’t it?

Dont think so, even if it is im still expecting a sources where it states Su-27 can pull 120 degree cobra with full armament and full fuel loadout.

I eill check that tomorrow with my own su

You can say that.

Be my guest, dont forget the sources as well.

Now i have an only ultrabook. 46-59-70 fps at low graphics. So I can’t to record the video

I can record with my Su-27 later, or someone else can

Well that sucks but you need to show some concrete evidence buddy.

That’ll do.

But the cobra is just a funny maneuvre. Not usefull in live or game. But it can explain how bad instructor is

you need to switch to full real controls to do it ingame, so the instructor is not a factor

SU-27 FM was A LOT better when it was first released, and especially in dev server. It had oswald around 0.65. It was in datamines on reddit.

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