Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Personally i’m having fun with the J-11A (basically same thing)

I’ve seen plenty of these quotes but do we have any actual way to verify this?

it should have the least amount of drag among all missiles when fired from mach1 +, and higher drag than everything else when below mach 1 is literally what everywhere everyone everything says about it.


Afaik better radars are all PESAs which is too cool for the game

Blyatiful !!!.
Until it’s wing break with 1 turn.


Am I just crazy or is the IRST on the Su27sm bugged? If you try to adjust the sweep elevation it just gets stuck.

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Well, we have to wait for a new Su series airplane to be introduced so that it has a new radar, but all broken FM as well


It always been like this. Even on Su27 not SM

I’ve never noticed this until now. Why hasn’t it been fixed then?

You are right. Started to happen last week.

Definitely new. Usually you can’t adjust the IRST elevation at all.

fly upside down while holding whatever key you have set to lower it

idk why but this will return it to its original position, a simple roll will do
this will in fact make the search zone bigger lmao


You think TVC and more thrust won’t help?

Problem in Oswald efficiency number
not in thrust. And in radar too OFC


Developers arleady answered about Oswald number. УВНП.

“we can’t implement it at the moment” is a good answer. In fact, now, due to the fact that they adjusted the values ​​to the graphs by changing this coefficient, we have the fact that the Su-27, Mig-29 lose absolutely all speed per turn of 180 degrees


"но лучше от этого самолету не станет, скорее даже хуже”

And they changed not only oswald coefficient when adjusted it on dev.

You can reach similar results with different variables. Doesn’t make your made up variables right.

Oswald is too low in game.


But they are completely different. Gaijin tries to match graphs with no thinking, and makes half model for su and mig, instead of changing Oswald to 0.7 and adjusting everything around that number, they make fantasy


I don’t understand you. I’m actually tired of this whole circus. I don’t like communicating in English, especially when I know for sure that my interlocutor is Russian-speaking like me.

They drove him into these limits mainly using this coefficient. However, of course, there is a rule for any lazy student - in order for your work to meet the requirements (even when you do everything wrong), you must change all the input variables so that the output result is similar to the expected one

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