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In fact, Gaijin made a grave mistake. The R-77 and RVV-AE are different missiles
R-77 100km RVV-AE-80km


R-77 name in game is wrong?
show specs of r-77 100km.

dragged from the web…



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Уголок неба ¦ Р-73
Управляемая ракета средней дальности Р-77 (РВВ-АЕ) | Ракетная техника
Если у вас есть дополнительная информация о рейсе, отправьте ее разработчикам.

В.Марковский, К.Перов. Развитие советских авиационных ракет класса “воздух-воздух”.М-Хобби

RVV-AE is an export option

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give specs of real r-77 russian

Everything is the same as RVV-AE, only the range is 100km

doesn’t the weight change?

177kg vs 175

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and the speed?

4M 3.6m leight 0.2m diam

This is not a bug. How do I report this?


1.R-77(izdelie 170)_These missiles were not supplied to the Russian Air Force. It was only in 2009 that a small number of them were purchased for the Su-35S fighters that were being tested at that time.
2.RVV-AE(izdelie 190)…

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Was watching the episode this morning . Interesting stuff on the radar . Another interesting point was that the Su-30SM showcased at the beginning was armed with both R-77 ( central pylons ) and R-77-1 ( wing pylons ) . R-77 stocks might have been more important than what is generaly portrayed in the public domain .

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No, it’s all R-77-1, but with different fuzes

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RVV-AE also has a laser fuse…

  • remote active laser with adaptation to the size of the target being hit;
  • duplicate contact fuse-self-destruct;
  • fuses are cocked at a distance of 150-300 m from the carrier aircraft and ensure maximum damage to the target by elements of the warhead;
    The option is a classic remote radar fuse.

Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104246
Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104155



Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104435 — копия
Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104458 — копия

As far as i know R-77-1 comes by defacto with laser fuse , only R-77 was initially proposed with radar fuse ( frontal section is completely smooth ) so the absence of laser fuse from those under central pylons of the 30SM indicates they are R-77.

As ZVO mentioned R-77 did also come with laser fuse so if all missiles had laser fuse the only reliable differentiating factor would be to look at the fairing around the grid fins.

RVV-AE /R-77

RVV-SD / R-77-1

The R-77-1 is available in two versions with a different fuse

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