Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Gotta agree with that one.

As much as i love super maneuverability it only looks good for eyes, trying cobra against a pilot who knows what his doing is death sentence.

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Why only Russian-USA/China/Japan X-2

Me too! it’s going to be awesome. You were not being sarcastic right?

First of all, you need to calm down Captain Top Gun.

This a video game. Things are supposed to look cool.

Yeah, flat spinning is fun as hell & does look pretty neat. It’s also very rewarding when you gun them in a pass.

Can you explain how the following would not be useful in a rolling scissors with another opponent?


Tell me you have no idea what Phased Array is without telling me…

You are on full blown cope tantrum over the Su-27 right now, I hope you are aware.

At the moment, supermaneuverability plays little role, only in close combat.It will be needed when there is an ultimatum protection against all missiles


Yes, poor flight and preflight checks, maybe poorly set up general inspections.

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Tell me something I do not know.

The aircraft probably had lower performance than the Su 27, an interesting advantage was post stall aerobatics, but as you wrote, it was one test aircraft. Its purpose was to fundraise for Sukhoi in the 1990s.

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I’m glad we’re no longer talking about the superiority of supermanoeuvrability in BVR and its absolute necessity for WVR. As it seemed to me from your posts.

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I don’t like one-sided strong statements, maybe that’s why. I like to say A and B, not just the benefits.

I don’t have Su 27 in WT, I honestly don’t think it will be better than DCS.
But I’m commenting on reality and this forum is not just about the game, then maybe half the posts here wouldn’t be about reality. right ?

It’s a narcisists deflection tactic, and not worth engaging.

  • comment about IRL - IRL doesn’t matter only the game matters
  • Comment about the game - the game is broken and not reflective of real life performance.
  • talk about the disadvantages of Russian designs - get called a h8r Yankee lover and will get your post quoted out of context and ridiculed.

That assumes the opponent started behind you and almost overshot, or that the flow went one circle in a very very slow merge. This simply doesn’t happen unless you make a very big mistake on the merge or the enemy accidentally messed up when given the opportunity to start offensive.

In any scenario, the enemy pilot (if competent) should hold the control zone sufficiently far behind you for guns, but not so close that you can force a scissors and subsequently an overshoot. I taught you this.

You say I’m scaring people away and preventing good discussion but every time you make such claims it feels like projection… this is why.

It’s funny tho

Does anyone have any idea how long that we’ll have to wait to get a flanker variant with competitive radar for top tier? Flying the 27SM is an exercise in frustration. It has missiles that only outperform opponents at closer ranges, but its radar set’s slow scan rates and inability to adjust search patterns makes it a pain to quickly acquire a lock amidst the 16v16 chaos. Meanwhile the opposition has twice the range on their ACM mode and just locks and clicks at you.


They will always be behind western radars if they continue to bring analogues. The MiG-29SMT radar is an exception to this.

No one definitively knows which flanker might come next.

By year of introduction yes, but if gaijin were balancing their BRs properly then planes at the same BR would have similar capabilities. Right now the SM is pretty much strictly worse than its so called “peers.”

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SU27M/(Su35) or SU30MK would be it.


Sorry, MKI is the Indian version
Whatever version with the N011M Bars radar

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These things will be balanced over time, look at the F-5E and others. As more stuff is added to top tier the meta changes and more stuff fills BR’s.

The biggest problem is that they added planes that despite being from the early 2000s just take the old airframes (and also old avionics in the case of the su27sm) and modernise them giving some of the technologies that were planned on what should have been, had the ussr not fallen, the actual “F-15C and F-16C” for the VVS (aka MiG-29M and Su-27M).

Both the SMT and especially the Su-27SM are simply inferior designs, that are not remotely close to the best the engineering department could do but simply what money could buy.


There are many variants of the Flanker yet to be added, with increasing levels of performance, weapons and technology.

There is also second generation fulcrums with 8 hardpoints (mig33/35/29k etc)

However, the tactics and strategies will now plateau without signficant changes to the core gameplay.

A few extra % in performance won’t change the way the game is being played, and new and more modern Flanker will be introduced alongside higher performing western aircraft such as the F18 variants and delta cannards

We are getting closer and closer to the end of the line for aircraft.