Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I’ve always just taken full fuel and have never had issues

The instructor parameters are also in the FM file

3 weeks ago the Su-27’s third fuel tank was reduced from 1,000 to 640

Yeah but Mig-29SMT is annoying. Doing pretty good at the moment.

I think I like it better than the SM. That Flanker’s radar is not easy to fumble with now that HMD F-15s and F-16s have equal ability (actually better now) to immediately lock you with the HMD.

Well, I do not know. They felt it necessary to make it a point that the game is updated in ways etc. that go undocumented or listed. As long as the jet is usable, I am cool. It’s actually fun.

The SM feels sluggish all of a sudden too. But I think it’s just me right there. The J-11A oddly feels better to me.

It’s the new patch schizoid itch, people just start thinking things changed when they’re the exact same. The small changes to individual flight models or instructor are all visible if modified. No hiding those variables.

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I don’t know.

what I do know is the F-16C is doing amazing over the SM.

There is also that scan patterns are currently a copy paste of the N019. I doubt that the N001VEP has no TWS scan pattern dedicated for R-77s with a shorter period. However, there is no info on that.


They just seperated tail fuel tank in two

Well, in that case there is no change to Su-27 fuel consumption as claimed


That was the only change, fuel burn rate is a visible parameter that would have had to been changed. As are the flight model data. This isn’t a server side change that wouldn’t be visible.

Must you immediately attack people all the time?

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you right

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If you need additional context**, absolutely here you go:

Yes, it is a terrible existence you must have in WT IF all you do instead of actually play the game is lurk around the forum to convince players their vehicles have not been improved & they are simply imagining it getting better when they were not expecting it whatsoever. The update was not even out for a full day & they are simply reporting their thoughts.

You do not know for an absolute certainty that any & all parameters in the entire game that could have an effect fuel economy was not altered.

You have not even reviewed what others are experiencing when they play the Mig-29. You specifically asked me my thoughts, & in good faith told you what I was experiencing. In which you decided to use that as opportunity to downplay without any actual evidence because someone said the fuel tanks were spilt.

Fuel tanks being spit is absolutely irrelevant to anything I said & specifically irrelevant to fuel economy of the Su-27SM as long as there is no reduction or increase of any fuel “sitting” in those tanks or that which is “processed” in those engines.

That only change that is apparent to you at moment & any other regular end user who does not have a formal or professional understanding of software development & three-dimensional simulation modeling.


Whose entire concept (like many of us player) of game development originates & revolves in WT Datamine reports. It is your only experience (if you can even call it that) in these subjects. Again, not everything is immediately determined in Datamine reports. Later? perhaps, never? absolutely.

The individual who taught you & provided you the capability to generate your own reports confirmed directly to you verbatim (“That is literally the case”) that not all changes are caught in Datamine, GJ can & has made changes to their own game that are not reflected in Datamine.

GJ also just further clarified within the last two weeks that changes can be made to the game without ever officially confirming them in any changelog, that some changes can be to implement to resolve issues that never set foot in the queue of the bug reporting service.
There are changes implemented to the game that does not even require a download in the launcher. (if I interpreted that correct. That is news to me.)

Now, regarding the increase an additional couple of minutes of fuel in the Su-27SM and potential reasons why an additional minute is needed.

The slightest alteration in the SMs aerodynamics, parasitic drag in both the aircraft or the new pylons of the new pylons and missiles can have an effect in fuel economy. Any alteration to post stall stability can reduce or increase the aircrafts performance in any given speed regime. Even drag at certain altitudes have effect in fuel economy. Until every

The SM’s aerodynamics can be altered, physics, such as weight, somewhere. These things can be minorly altered that will have the reduction in fuel economy to the degree I noticed in the SM. I have not flown the S in.

Also keep in mind I also noted that we are flying much more defensively & dynamically throughout all stages of a match beginning & end (because ARH missiles) that could explain the need for additional minutes. I considered this, & also considered that the SM is no longer weighed down by massive, heavy R-27ERs anymore. I expected fuel economy & performance increase on average over the Su-27S. It is the opposite for me. I feel the J-11A is lighter (have no idea if that is due to historical difference.

I am always lighter than the previous Su-27S last update because I just carry 6x R77s & 2x R-73s on wing tips.

My strategy at moment is to be the lightest & fastest aircraft that will reach his ideal position first for a successful missile launch. Because we do have the worst radar because lack targeting range & detection with zero TWS or SRC FoV modes. It is a pain switching back & forth in the HMD & then TWS in which you must wait for the scar

The parameters that meter fuel usage on a specific aircraft are known and visible.

You claimed to have felt a change and there is nothing to support that. No testing shows any changes. No parameters were modified in the files.

The sugar pills of a new update are having their effects. You do this every major, it’s nothing new. No such changes were made.

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What do you mean? I use a very specific fuel time in my Su-27 & J-11 that goes unchanged for every single match.

This update requires that I increase the time by couple of minutes in the Su-27SM even while it is carrying smaller & lighter missiles. Even less R-73s. I only carry two wingtips at moment.

There is my evidence. You don’t like it, so what.

When you actually play the game & the Su-27 gaining actual experience with it over a relevant number of games. You will notice the smallest differences in the Su-27 & those of potential new ones that someone like you, who only Golden Eagles new aircraft in War Thunder to test fly & plays 10 games before giving up forever is not able to ever to see on their own.

Of course, you need a report written out every single update to believe anything.

When you play a specific aircraft as your favorite type in the game. You develop your own custom settings instead of fly full fuel every game like a beginner. These little performance optimizations do go a long way in advanced levels of competition.

Of course, you fly every aircraft full fuel when you go in actual games. You are a Custom Battles Warrior who plays the game exclusively with minimum infinite fuel & infinite ammo.

I suppose this is all further reflected in your stats & why you are not capable of killing half of the enemy 16v16 team at top tier in under 1 minute & 20 seconds, right? :)
Flying optimal is just as important as the missile. You cannot achieve superior missile kinematics over your opponents if your aircraft cannot achieve superior positioning.

The Su-27 does not ever need to be flown full fuel. Many aircraft do not.

Doesn’t hold up to the test

The claims you are making aren’t backed by any evidence whatsoever. None. Just some regularly scheduled sugar pill you get every major update. There wasn’t a change.

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You do not know what the word evidence means.

Regularly scheduled pill?

Are you trying to say the word prescription?

Please do explain.

You made a claim of a change in fuel consumption rate, but there hasn’t been one. The only change is the splitting of the two tanks mentioned before… and that was weeks ago.

You’re going on about something that wasn’t modified or adjusted in any way… Again… Like you always do on major updates.

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man reading this is 50% watching 2 kids fighting and trying to get their parents to say one of them is right and the other is wrong and 50% aircraft that arent actually a flanker lmao