Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I figured too be honest. I use the forums for casual conversations and good reading material about vehicle details, so Its usually a good sign when you and other “active document posters” are in it.

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1 in zillion chance manages to decoy the first missile only to watch the noob Mirage pilot either black out or compress and lose optimal position immediately. All his mistakes.

Proceeds to miss the easiest lineup in the world and rams you as you flat spin… Really showed us how useful it was dying to a inferior aircraft with a novice at the wheel.


Can you just enjoy fun positive content on the forum without being miserable & cynical about it? Are you capable?


You don’t even play top tier… All you do is GE new aircraft, play 10 games & give up…

None of the new fighters to come out the last 4 updates have been played at all…

You have like 20 games in a Golden Eagled Su-27 at its release…
You have like 20 games in a Golden Eagled M2k 5F at its release…

You pay hundreds of dollars to test fly & larp as a junior game developer on the forum…

Why is it the guys who do not play the loudest & outspoken on who is good?
Why is it the guys who are not even real pilots the leading expert authority on what is useless in real aerial combat?

I only flat spined because we collided. You think the Flanker cannot pull out of a flat spin at will? Shows how much you know about a jet you touched for a day after you Golden Eagled it?

He was out of energy and was not able to get his gun on me.


You are clearly a novice. Look at your HORRIBLE stats. This guy is delusional.

I taught you better than this how to dogfight when you rose through the ranks in my squadron. You can flatspin almost any plane in-game in front of someone and hope they miss the easiest shot in the world… Doesn’t make it not risky.

As it has been stated, the Su-27’s supermaneuverability is pretty much a last ditch option that degrades the performance in other areas that might have prevented the need for it in the first place.

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This is so cringe & irrelevant. Can you please just stop associating me with your squadron? You sound like an ex-girlfriend bringing up the irrelevant past.

Would appreciate it, thanks.

You will be surprised, but the MiG-25 is based on the A-5 attack aircraft

And this is also North American…


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I hope they Give us the Vigilante & and T-10




What for?

Because they are beautiful aircraft of the Cold War. It was the only era where though the US & USSR were enemies. They followed each other closely in combat aviation design. It will never be like that again.


Most importantly I want Flagon is my favorite Soviet PVO interceptor. Look at that double delta sheeesh.

I wonder why China did not utilize the double delta in the serial production of the J-8 though its heavily modelled after the Su-15.



The Su-15 was terrible.Therefore, the MiG-25 displaced him.

Oh really then why did it fly all the way until Dissolution & retire in 1996 in Ukraine if it was that bad? It was a great interceptor.


The Su-15 formed a significant part of the V-PVO’s interceptor force, and was designed to intercept easier targets such as the American B-52 and U-2 and the British V bombers, leaving the more difficult targets such as the XB-70 and B-58 to the faster MiG-25P. The Taifun radar of the Su-15TM was optimised for counter-countermeasure operation, as opposed to range. As an interceptor, the task of the Su-15TM was to fly under autopilot, using GCI commands sent through the datalink. The radar would only be turned on as the interceptor approached the target in order to provide targeting parameters for the radar homing K-8/R-8/R-98 missiles, the high power of the radar allowing it to ‘burn through’ enemy ECM signals. If all else failed, IR homing versions of the K-8 would provide a last opportunity to shoot down the intruder, along with any gun pods the Su-15 might be carrying.

The Su-15 was optimized for the high-altitude interception role with its fast climb-rate and high speed at high altitude but lacked look-down/shoot-down capability, even with the Su-15TM’s more sophisticated Taifun radar. This eventually led to the MiG-25P, which did have look-down/shoot-down capability, becoming the preferred asset of the V-PVO, especially once NATO switched to low-level penetration tactics. Even so, the Su-15 remained an important part of the V-PVO until the fall of the Soviet Union.

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Because the Soviet industry did not have time to produce airplanes

I just do not see how it was bad. If filled a role until the end of the Union even when later & better options were available. They continued to upgrade them even the double delta wing & the ability to carry gun pods etc. Yes, the Mig-25 took over the high-altitude role. But it could not shoot down the CIA’s A-12 Oxcart anyway & NATO switched tactics to high-speed low level penetration. Something the Flagon can deter to some degree.

The pilots didn’t like him, and the engineers didn’t like him either.The MiG-21 also remained in service, and the Yak-28 and MiG-23 of the USSR simply did not have time to replace the huge fleet of aircraft

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True but pilots did not like the Mig-23 either, neither did engineers.

But I suppose that is a good example, though the Mig-21 was not a bad aircraft at all. It outlived all of them pretty much.

The MiG-21 is a very simple aircraft.There’s practically nothing to break

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Why am I being quoted again, you don’t see the sarcasm? Of course Sukhoi developed a stealth fighter that is reminiscent of their distinct design features…

Su-57 MAKS 2017

9:00-9:40 You can see the Leading-edge vortex controllers moving independently & working. A very powerful FBW computer is needed to work the TVC & LEVCON.
The RuF is well beyond leading edge roots extensions. No 5th generation is equipped in such a way.

The RuF is just in a whole other league when it comes to alpha flight. 3-dimension TVC is just one technology of alpha flight, high maneuverability, & supermaneuvrability. Most nations cannot achieve TVC. China just joined the club.

All of these technologies can be traced back to the mesmerizing ability of the Su-27.

Su-35 MAKS 2017 with 2x R-73s & 1x R-27ER aft fuselage lol.