Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

He showed the Su-57.

They are not the same for the Raptor.

You show a raptor intake louver. Are you still trying to be a little hater? You both cannot win. You are not equipped, boys.

So GJ modelled both the intake louvers wrong on the Su-27 & Mig-29?

They do not operate exclusively on angle of attack while in flight???

Yes or No?

Please submit the report for both. I want to watch them smack you both in the head with it.

Also please leave me alone & stop derailing.

I haven’t posted any Su-57 pictures.

They are operating, maybe they are correct or maybe they are not in regards to the animation… but their purpose is not what you say they are.

The grill seen on the bottom of the Su-27 intake is actually where excess air is diverted away from the intake when the FOD door is lifted up iirc

Any air intake from that location would be blocked from the engine.

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No more talking. SUBMIT the report. I DARE YOU BOTH.

The report for what? You posting erroneous information on the Internet daily?

You cannot make your mind what anything is. This is intentional to hide your lack of knowledge.

You do not know what any of this technology is for. You do not know what an intake louver is. Neither do you understand what auxiliary intakes do.

I am not talking about the main intake. Have a nice day :)

Please let us know when you submit the report to GJ that both the Su-27 & Mig-29 are incorrectly modelled.
Also, that he Su-27 must stall much sooner than it does in game, I cannot wait to see that report too :)

You pointed to the overpressure vents on the F-22 as intakes copied from MiG-29, this is obviously not the case.

You also pointed to the vents under the Su-27 intake… These aren’t auxiliary feeds… Once again you’re just making stuff up. No sense debating that further, though.

I’d have to dig into the manuals and see if the in-game model is scheduled wrong for then vents in question.

Please stop being overly emotional when presenting your arguments. If there is information that contradicts what you know or think you know, you should present that information. You have made quite a few inaccurate statements that make me question your depth of knowledge on this subject.

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The single-seat MiG-29M did not have the “sheet”-metal FOD-doors in the main intakes and auxiliary intake-doors on top of the LERX’s as per version 9.12 (Fulcrum-A) and 9.13 (Fulcrum-C), but mesh FOD-screens in the main intakes, no auxiliary intakes on top of the LERX’s to generate enough airflow with FOD-screens down, the main gear well had perforations through which extra air could be ingested.

Get wrecked for the 12th time.

Name one.

Those are for the Su-27, it was in response to your claim that the grill under the Su-27 intake was an auxiliary intake vent.

Indeed, the MiG-29s louvers are an auxiliary intake. The F-22s overpressure doors and the exhaust for the FOD screen on the Su-27 are not intakes.

Please source everything you have on “overpressure doors.”

Explain exactly how they work & why in your own word or source it thanks.

Also you need to confirm that neither the Su-27, Mig-29s & F-22s intake louvers are dependent on angle of attack.

Because in game for both Mig-29 & Su-27 they are. Because that is correct. Will you submit a report? Yes or no?

Firstly, they open facing the rear so they aren’t intakes. Just a visual inspection shows they do not operate in the way you claim. Secondly - you made the claim that they are intakes. You provided no source and now ask one of me.

So… you do not have any proof of a “overpressure door” is? LOL.

Does oxygen not exist in the rear?


You really want to keep getting smoked here? They are not intakes? Yes or No?

Real simple question. Did GJ model the intakes wrong for both the Su-27 & Mig-29

Yes or No?

In reference to the picture of the F-22 louvers.

Very likely a misleading statement, similar to the statement that the entire F-35B lift system was copied from the Yak-141.

Missed comparison, as person called the light F-18 to the heavy Su-27. It could also mean the legacy Hornet, but the F-18A/C is lighter regardless.

Made an incorrect comparison with the purpose of the MiG-29 and F-22 vents.

The fact that, after the manuever, the aircraft “slams” back nose first would indicate to me insufficient lift. It is not completely departing from flight, but the wings aren’t maintaining enough lift to continue the manuever. Couple this with the mass and momentum of the aircraft, I would reasonably assume it would not be able to hold higher AoA than what others have described.

They are there to maintain optimum intake pressure and to bleed out disruptive airflow. American jets have been using different methods to acheive this. F-14 and F-15 come to mind, I believe the B-2 also has this.


Who said this?

What I said is completely right when looking at both aircraft’s ability to fly under their own gross weight with their own engines. The Su-27 is lighter.

Do not compare them by simply looking at the weight. You must look at their ability to manipulate that weight in their entire flight envelope. The Su-27 can manage its weight better than the Hornet.

Yes, very correct. But those doors exist on the F15 & F-14 to regulate airflow in supersonic flight. The F-22 does not have these or need these.

The F-14 also has vents above the intakes on the back and predated the MiG-29 by a decade. The SR-71 had overpressure relief doors similarly and was flying since '64…

Nothing about the F-22 suggests it was copied or used from the MiG-29.

They do not open up and close based on angle of attack and close flush like the Mig-29, Su-27 & F-22

That is why they are called intake louvers. Not “overpressure doors” lol.

Look you do not even know what you are talking about first they are, then they are not, then they are intakes but the F-14 has them???

The Su-27s are located on the front when flown and face optimally in angle of attack. That is why they open in ANGLE OF ATTACK.

The MiG-29 and Su-27 manuals are public, please show me how they open based on angle of attack? What is the schedule for their opening / closing?

Let me also remind you that the vents you pointed to on the Su-27 are not part of an intake grill and the overpressure doors on the F-22 cannot function as you’ve described.

You’re spouting unsourced nonsense and want sources to debunk you…

Not suprisingly, a lot of Russian aircraft fanboys. Though I did not mean a statement made here, just a similar false comparison.

This is provably false, though I will give you some leeway since you may be conflating something. The Su-27 has a much better T/W ratio than the legacy Hornet, but due to the properties of momentum, I would conclude the Hornet has less issues during high AoA instances of flight.

This is actually controlled by the variable inlet ramp instead of relying on the bleed air door.


You need to show why they do not & how GJ got it wrong for the Su-27 & Mig-29.

Did GJ model them wrong yes, or no?

It’s a simple question. Just answer it so I can blow you up with sources.

I respect that.