Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

The first one certainly does. The F-15 isn’t in the game because we’re talking about maneuverability and achieving AoA, that’s why there’s the Light Hornet and the Heavy Su 27, nothing but academic debate and a bit of childishness in there. If we continue with the F-15, it is also maneuverable in high AoA of course it is in a different league than the Sukhoi but still pretty good and in practice sufficient.


The F-22 has fixed air inlets instead of a movable ramp, those are overpressure vents on the top of the aircraft. They are NOT intakes.

This is also self evident by the direction they face when open being towards the rear and not into the wind as such on the MiG-29.

Stop making stuff up.


You mentioned the F-18 having better control above 24° AoA than the Su-27, have you read into the F-35? I’ve heard it has a soft limit of 55° that it can float around at and maintain. It’s done so at airshows fairly regularly.


Yes, only the first version had them and they are only for the ground.


They are open in very low speed flight iirc after takeoff as well, let’s not forget that… Certainly not modulated via AoA as claimed.


Yes, the F-35 has excellent nose pointing and can do about 50 AoA, it is dangerous in a dogfight if the pilot uses it.


Dangerous for the enemy, anyway

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The F-18Cis light??? How so? It gained almost 10,000 pounds to become carrier worthy from the YF-17 without a single upgrade to its engines…

You do know they need to structurally strengthen the landing gears & airframe, right? That they also need to equip a beefy strong landing hook.

The Su-27 is heavy, strong & already had the strength to land in dirt fields my guy. Do you also have any idea how powerful the Saturn AL-31F engines are?

What about the Klimov RD-33 of the Mig-29?

Another thing about the Soviets… Say what you want about their radars etc.

But engines are another thing besides aerodynamics they know very well how to make. Also, Ballistic Rockets. They can design those in their sleep. They do not have to make 700 variants either of one engine type like the West.

You cannot win this argument my friend. Not while using the F-18 of any variant as your reference. I would just stop mentioning that aircraft altogether here. But it’s up to you.

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I didn’t know there was an argument there, you’re just making stuff up and getting told you’re wrong on repeat.

Get wrecked once again.

They are modelled correctly in the Mig-29 of WT. They operate on angle of attack. Same as the F-22.
Did that look like “very low speed” flight to you?

Just try to play the game & stop trying to trip up a man who you are not equipped to debate on these subjects. You are obsessed with trying to look for holes in my post.

It is only making you look more foolish.

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MiG-29M. No intakes.


They are called dual mode intakes. The Mig-29 is the first in the world. The top vents are called intake louvers. The louvers operation is dictated on angle of attack & airspeed. Does not matter if Mig-29M had them or not.

It’s a design that was copied by the Americans & implemented in the F-22 Raptor :)

This technology & others like it are critical in supermaneuverable capable fighters.

MiG-29 used additional intakes because on takeoff main intakes are closed.

That is one mode is DUAL MODE.

Please watch the video. They open in angles of attack in flight. They are modelled correctly in game.

Does the chin mount main intakes close in flight? Yes or No?

This dude actually showed a picture of the main intakes closed on the ground as if that is relevant to the louvers opening in flight while at angles of attack.

Btw guys they changed multipath from 100m to 50m, radar missiles (both fox1s and 3s) are more efficient rn and the bvr duels are more balanced and Russia isn’t that dominant anymore. I feel we are getting closer and closer to a rework on both su-27 and mig29 FMs.


Here is the Su-27SM’s intake louver operation in flight dictated exclusively by angle of attack.

They do not open in flight because of airspeed. The only operate under angle of attack. The engines ability to breathe at angles of attack is critical for supermaneuverable aircraft.


The Mig-29M & others have special perforations throughout the aircraft achieve mass airflow at all stages of operation. I am not privy to the newer designs. You will have to refer to those who do.

The MiG-29M 9.15 and MiG-29K 9.31 featured enlarged engine air intakes with movable lower lip to increase mass flow on take-off & in flight. MiG-29K has auxiliary intakes in mainwheel wells" taken from the MiG-29M. In the MiG-29M the walls of the mainwheel wells were perforated to admit additional air when the grids were raised.

The MiG-29 OVT (Airframe ‘156’ or 6th MiG-29M 9.15 prototype) are said to have these perforations as well.


The F-22s aren’t intakes lol
The in-game model can be wrong, that is okay… If you need I can link the MiG-29 manual again so you can read the purpose and use cases of the vents on that particular aircraft.

The vents shown on the Su-27s underside are for another use as well. The only one that is an auxiliary intake is on the MiG-29.

As you can see, these vents DO NOT intake air. They are overpressure relief ONLY. They are not copied from the MiG-29 or Su-27. This has been an essential part of airframe designs with or without variable intake ramps for some time. It is even seen on the MiG-23 or the J-8 series.


They are called intake louvers & they are dictated by angle of attack.

Please stop.

Ok the game modelled them wrong.

Please submit that report & so we can watch them throw it back in your face.

That is an image you found on google. It’s in reference to a completely different 5th gen.

Stop lying. That is not the F-22 Raptor.

Please just leave me alone.



They’re overpressure relief ducts and they cannot possibly intake air unless the aircraft is traveling backwards. The photo is of an F-22.

The Su-27s ‘intakes’ as you’re referring to them are not what you think they are either.