Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yep, that what I was saying here:

This formula is valid for large angles
up to 40 for sure

I think the RWR cover disappeared in the next version after Flanker B.

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Why are you always making things up

This maneuver requires very sudden and rapid attainment of AoA. This is because if they do not immediately stall - the resulting uneven forces cause uncontrolled departure.

the start of ww4

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Making things up? Like you who thought bisonic was a real word?! Lol

Really Einstein? Captain Obvious over here.

The Flanker has been observed pulling 110-120 degrees without any sign of a stall. You do not know what you are talking about you do not even know what lift is. Of course the aircraft will stall if your remain in the regime lol.

You do not have any idea what supermaneuvrability is.

You think the F-18 is capable! lol this man thinks the F-18 is capable of doing everything and even better than the Su-27. You are completely disqualified from speaking about the maneuverability of the Su-27


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Not really, it’s an annoying when people try to doubt the ability of the Flanker & its perfect aerodynamic design. Dude thinks the F-18 is just as capable as the Flanker. You guys can disagree & be mad at me all you want over the radar history & specs (btw there are additional search modes & targeting range in the Su-27SM).

However, the Flanker’s aerodynamic ability in all combat regimes is one thing no one can legitimately devalue.

it’s obvious to everyone the aircraft must return to an optimal degree of alpha before it stalls.
This uneducated individual does not know what supermaneuvrability consist of.

Angles of attack beyond maximum lift.

Supermaneuvrability is the capability of fighter aircraft to execute tactical maneuvers that are not possible with purely aerodynamic techniques. Such maneuvers can involve controlled side-slipping or angles of attack beyond maximum lift

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No, it hasn’t. TsAGI themselves described the process already in a paper you have been given and refuse to acknowledge.

Are you incapable of reading anything other than your own regurgitated nonsense?

That observation was conducted by real professional aviation analyst & is also approved by professional studies. They were not baseless uneducated assumptions made by some gamer who only larps as an aeronautics engineer like yourself.

An Analysis of the Su-27 Flight Demonstration at the 1989 Paris Airshow (

I have the same sources you do, but I can actually read. TsAGI describes the degree of alpha required to achieve Dynamic Attainment aka supermaneuvrability at regimes beginning at 90 degrees or more. Not what the Su-27 maximum degree of alpha is in every speed regime ever, especially in combat. the Directo of TsAGI will not openly disclose those numbers. Do I need to explain why?

You will not find solid open-source intelligence on it. Licensed users of the aircraft are not permitted to disclose them either. Do I need to explain why?

Why do you think the US paid a lot of money for one example of the aircraft if intelligence on them is accurately available? Do I need to explain why?

What you said was made up. No one qualified or educated on the matter would state that an aircraft can conduct a 120° AoA pitch without stalling. This isn’t possible. Total flow departure would have occured between 40 and 60 units depending on conditions.

Please read from the director of TsAGI

Get wrecked

This man described the capabilities of the Su-27 that day in 1989. You were not even born yet my guy. Yet you can determine who is qualified? Is that so?

Andrew Skow

President/CEO at Tiger Century Aircraft

Andrew Skow is an aerodynamicist, an aircraft designer, and a pilot. He has been active in the research, design, development and flight-testing of advanced, high-performance aircraft for more than 50 years. As Chief of Aerodynamics Research at Northrop, he led the development of the revolutionary Forebody Vortex Control technology that was successfully flight tested on the F-5, X-29 and F/A-18. In 1979, he was awarded the prestigious Wright Brothers Medal for his work in high angle-of-attack aerodynamics and flight mechanics. Later, as Chief Engineer for Aerodynamics, Propulsion Integration, Flight Performance, Stability/Control and Thermodynamics, he was a key contributor to the development of the F-20 Tiger Shark fighter. Since leaving Northrop and becoming an ‘entrepreneur’, he has focused on fostering innovation in aeronautics, resulting in the development of a new design approach for fighter aircraft that emphasizes Agility of the entire Weapon System, the creation of advanced air combat measures of merit for fighter aircraft, the establishment of new flight control design criteria for maximizing fighter aircraft maneuverability/agility and the development of a variable stability training aircraft for enhanced upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT). He has also co-developed a new flight deck/cockpit stall alerting system called Q Alpha that has the potential to significantly reduce the number of Loss of Control and Approach/Landing accidents in all areas of aviation from light GA aircraft to heavy transports.

Dude. @MiG_23M is so ignorant all you can do is literally just talk & lie. You have zero ability to interpret what is fact or fiction in any aircraft design. Please, do the world a favor & stop. At least go to college first.

You cannot even determine what words are made up & thought I was serious when I said bisonic dash.

Now this comment here is another example of your inability to slow down and evaluate what others are trying to teach you… I evaluate everything other say on the forum & though they think I don’t I do investigate their points. I will admit when my points do not stand after further research.

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You spewing a bunch of nonsense doesn’t excuse the fact that the Su-27 stalls to achieve >90° ‘AoA’, which is actually just the Russians stating the nose angle in relation to the ground and not necessarily the true AoA at the time. What you’re doing is trying to change the topic or discredit me… I’m not the one making the absurd claims. You are. I’m simply showing you that the people who developed the plane state it must stall to cobra.

The MiG-29 for example is incapable of 90° AoA, only around 60°. By the time it is 90° in relation to the ground, the velocity vector is moving upwards around 30°. Speed is slowed almost to a standstill and recovery is done by accelerating as the nose comes back down.

Read the source and educate yourself. The cobra maneuver requires the pilot to rapidly stall the wing to avoid uncontrolled departure symptoms such as wing rock or asymmetrical vortices loading on either side of the nose.

Lol look, boys.

He is attempting to ignore the fact he just lied at said no one qualified made the observation of 120 degree alpha capability in the Su-27…

You do not know what supermaneuvrability is

That is why your brain thinks it’s nonsense.

Supermaneuverability - Wikipedia

Supermaneuverability is the capability of fighter aircraft to execute tactical maneuvers that are not possible with purely aerodynamic techniques. Such maneuvers can involve controlled side-slipping or angles of attack beyond maximum lift. This capability was researched beginning in 1975 at the … See more

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Bahahahah Grill em bro 🔥

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You claimed the aircraft did not stall at 120° angle of attack. This isn’t true as stated by TsAGI. Nothing you say about me changes that. I didn’t lie, no one qualified on the subject would legitimately claim an aircraft could do what you claimed in that context.

Or perhaps you claim the people who designed the airframe are wrong?

It very clearly states that flow is fully separated between 60 and 90° in the study by TsAGI. It states that passage through region 30-40° must be quick to avoid disturbances that lead to uncontrolled departure.

Supermaneuverable maneuvers such as the cobra can be considered controlled departures, but are still departures. I.e. the airframe is stalled.

Depends on your definition of stall

Any angle of attack beyond CL Max where the lift coefficient begins to decrease can be characterised as a “stall” but still be providing positive lift…

Under this definition a stall would be considered anything beyond 16 degrees AOA in most aircraft…

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In this case, the aircraft reaches a speed and angle of attack that is not sustainable for a brief moment with total flow separation over the wing. Still, it produces some lift. This is a stall by any definition of the term.

Speed is not relevant to the definition of the textbook definition of a stall.

The only two relevant components are Angle of Attack and Lift Coeficiant.

A stall is not even when your Lift coeficiant becomes negative it’s when the AOA reaches a point that it starts tk decrease from the maximum CL

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Stop this nonsense.

You do not know what you are reading. You have a very basic reading comprehension. You have about a 200L reading comprehension level. You qualify for surface/simple reading & possess a basic understanding of the text.

As much as I regret to inform, you do not have an ability for In-depth/complex reading, deeper analysis & critical thinking.

You just highlighted further proof of a poor reading comprehension.

Yes, airflow seperation happens at these degrees. NO DUH.

Again, for the 6th time, what does supermaneuvrability entail?

Angles of attack BEYOND maximum lift.

The Russians will not tell you the exact alpha capability of their aircraft throughout their entire flight envelope & of each speed regime.

Do I need to explain why?

The actual Chief of Aerodynamics Research at Northrop, who led the development of the revolutionary Forebody Vortex Control technology that was successfully flight tested on the F-5, X-29 and F/A-18. In 1979, who was awarded the prestigious Wright Brothers Medal for his work in high angle-of-attack aerodynamics and flight mechanics has confirmed himself that earliest Flankers had demonstrated a 110-120 degree of Alpha.

He literally specializes in American high Alpha design. You know, that F-18 you actually think is just as capable as an Su-27?? He developed the experimental vortex control that was tested in that aircraft.

You are only armed with a high diploma as your ability to interpret aerodynamics.
Sir, I say with upmost compassion & pity… You are in way over your head trying to read, let alone lecture anyone in this hyper specialized field of aerodynamics.

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The Su-27 handbook refers to stalls as departure conditions which are dependent on speed and AoA. The designers of the aircraft refer to the maneuver as a controlled departure. Ziggy is claiming the aircraft did not stall, and still… the cobra maneuver meets all aeronautical conditions for a “stall” regardless of how you define it professionally.