Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

So, what does this tell you?

Funny thing is 200km is a very low stall speed for an aircraft the size of a Flanker. I drive faster than this at least once a week. Audi S5 Stage II :)

200km is a dangerously slow speed. Any degree of alpha permissible especially at what I am reading is quite impressive.

You need forward airspeed to increase alpha. I am not quite sure what we are trying to determine. The slower you are the degree of alpha decreases.

It depends on where the second Clift slide is located

I see your point, but I doubt its something GJ would consider, being as they want to maximize player incentive to GE past undesired modification. Additionally, they do want to keep these models as customizable as possible.

Hell, I personally want R60Ms available for the Mig-29s as well as R73s just to play around with old historical loadouts.

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F-15, 1G stall - around 15-0 knots - 60-70 AoA , Su 27 it will reach as BRCS said - ± 90 AoA. Actually, I am very interested to know if the average Su 27 pilot of the 1980s and 1990s could safely get above the limit given in the flight manual ( 24 AoA)

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I think the chart there is at a fixed AoA. What I am saying is that at different angles of attack the Oswald coefficient changes, in particular as AoA gets higher the Oswald coefficient will decrease as well.
That’s because lifting line theory ( Cd_i = \dfrac{Cl^2}{π\ e_0\ AR} ) comes from assuming a steady and non compressible flow that won’t detach from the wings. Lifting-line theory - Wikipedia

That the Oswald coefficient can’t be stati is pretty easy to prove as well: if we measure the real lift coefficient of an aircraft as function of AoA (Cl(AoA) or Cy(AoA) if we use Russian letters) above a certain AoA (for the MiG-29 is about 60 degrees) we would see Cl actually start to decrease, meanwhile Cd (Cx) keeps increasing. This means that the approximation Cd = \dfrac {Cl^2 }{K e_0} is not valid for high angles of attack

That’s why the devs can’t just get the Oswald efficiency found for a specific speed and use it to create a whole flight model (they seem to have done that for the gripen but I digress since the thing already got 2 nerfes and there’s no E-M chart for it)

Iraqi airforce simulator


I was going to say Luftwaffe Mig-29 loadout actually.

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i recently discovered that the iraqi fulcrums delivered by ussr didn’t had archers nor r27Ts (idk if they had the R), the poor bastards were fighting f15Cs, f16Cs and f18s with r60s lmao

Do you mind trying again with a relevant system?

For some reason, I used coefficient A in my FM, and everything is fine with my resistance

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can you read? i was addressing his claim that it is “technically impossible” for a hms to be used alongside a cassegrain radars, at least try to read before posting an irrelevant comment.

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In the very same statement you mentioned he directly stated “OPES-27 and OEPS-29”. Were you not meaning to discuss that? Why would you have mentioned it?

this is what i quoted, "These Radars never had Radar HMS compatibility. Its technically impossible ", and based on this assumption he claims that those hmd were only used with ir missiles, i was addressing the first statement.

So you’re cherry picking?

Using another radar with another HMD system from an entirely different platform does not address the statement.

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he argumentated that the it is “technically impossible” because it is an outdated radar and for those systems is necessary to used with planar array ones or more modern, since they have directional beam control, again youre not reading the context, and i prove that cassegrain compatible with a hms, and soon after @ID_Heaven posted proof that the radar is indeed compatible with the hmd, using the su 27 manual.

For angles of attack below ~15degrees the approximation is generally more than fine, it’s around that value that it generally starts to become less realistic and above ~50 where it would create pretty wild results

Russian R-27 air-to-air missile (AA-10 Alamo) (
The R-27E (Extended range series) introduced in service 1990 came in two variants the R-27RE (Alamo-C) Semi-Active Radar & R-27TE (Alamo-D) "with a more advanced version of the infrared finder, capable with helmet sight of pilot."
The R-27ET is distinguished of the two as the only one capable of interacting with the helmet sight. The R-27ER is not.

Neither is stated here:

Or here in detail:

Only IR missile targeting shows up on the sight rings in HMS. Not radar guided missiles. You must still point the nose at the target & allow it to be captured by the radar.

Regarding radar guided munitions :

If radar guided missiles are selected, Target designation in the in the HELMET mode will issue directive to the RLPK-29 radar sighting system & AFTER the target is caught by the radar sight (you must still point the nose at the target to achieve this) further aiming is carried out according to the HUD information. There is no HUD information unless you point the nose at the target.

You cannot use the HMS to shoot fake high off boresight radar missiles. All you can do is notify the radar to stand-by when radar missiles are selected & what direction the target will come from with the HMS (Opto-electronic pointing station). So that when the target does come into the radars field of view, it will immediately lock on to the target.
This is literally nothing more than an ACM mode in all fighters or a Range finder in the Kfir C.7

The radar is not swinging the dish every which way according to a pilot’s line of sight. The Radar is no longer off or in a search pattern but is standing-by for when the target enters its FoV. Only IR missile seekers follow the pilot’s line of sight. Literally stated in dude’s own source.

The OEPS-29 or 27 is an optical system (IRST). It’s a passive detection and tracking system that is completely separate from the radar nor does it operate whatsoever on radio detection and ranging. The weapons systems that cooperate directly to this system are the R60M, R73, R27T & R27ET.

As for the radar dish…
No, not because it’s outdated, but because it’s obsolete & the Soviet Union was forced to downgrade their developing 4th generation fighters with 3rd generation technology of the 1960’s.

The Soviet Union invested in OEPS because of an inability to produce the radars they actually wanted. They had all the technology to produce top on the line radars (Mig31 is evidence of that) but could not produce them en masse in the 70’s & especially during the economic decline of the Soviet–Afghan War 1979-89 which contributed to the Soviet Union’s demise.

In the development of both the Mig-29 & Su-27 the Soviet Union was forced to resort to taking Sapfir RP-23 ML Radars & modifying them to stand in for the radars they could not produce. The only thing digital was the Ts-100 digital processor that both the Mig29 9-12 & Su27S share. The Mig-29s radar dish is almost identical to the Mig-23ML & the Su-27 was made larger.

Mig-23 RP-23 Sapfir
Mig-29 N019 Rubin
Su-27 N001 Mech

These pictures are not the complete radar. They are CASSEGRAIN radars & require reflectors to operate.


The Radar reflectors are completely fixed in both the Mig-29 & Su-27 that is why there is NO FoV scan modes other than 50x10. The radar is incapable of moving beyond.

in order to direct beams, the entire reflector must move too. That is not happening in the nose of either fighters my guy.

These are the radars in their entirety. Su-27, Mig-29 & Mig-23


The ENTIRE front portion of the radar & its front plate at the tip must move to direct its beams in order to work with your ridiculous theory of radar HMS support.

That is why Cassegrain radar dishes are obsolete. You need the reflectors to operate. That is a giant radar dish you think is moving around to the speed & precision of a human’s line of sight inside of the nose of the Su-27 & Mig29.
There is literally no room for the radar to move. THAT is why there is only one search zone.

This is how they operate & there is no way in hell they are able to move as you think they can.
The plate circled in yellow is the main reflector the horn is fixed & provides the signal. The plate does move to direct signal but needs the secondary reflector in front bolded black to function. The radar can only move so much. Again, that is why there is only single 50 x 10 search in every mode.

The Radar is incapable of pointing in any direction you point your head. It is physically impossible to do so with the radar set up in the Mig-29 & Su-27. The entire front half must point with its reflectors. The radar is not a single plate nor is it capable of precise rapid beam direction like a planar ARRAY radar.

PD HMD mode is entirely fake. Only the SMT is capable in the Soviet tech tree.

Hey, someone tell this idiot. The radar can track within a ±60° range. The fact that you can only search for ±25° is completely fake. That antenna is movable lol

will you bug report it?