Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Beautiful aircraft.

Two seat types of Flankers are my favorite.

Only a fool would think it needs to.

The radar will just follow your head’s position as fast as it can, and catch up when you stop moving your head. A bit like how in tank battles if you move your cursor faster than the turret can turn then it will just turn towards where your cursor is and then if you stop moving your cursor the turret will carry on turning towards it until it reaches it and stops.

And the radar does not need to be pointed with sub-degree precision. Between the beam width of the beam, and the conical scan pattern getting it within a few degrees should be fine.


Interesting presentation of the technology.

Did your degree in video games teach you this?

Nope, was just using the game as an example that I hoped you might have been able to understand.

So do you also think the F-4J also couldn’t steer it’s radar with the VATS helmet in real life?


About Oswald coefficient.

“Constants for Oswald for aircraft with a design like the Su-27 are not applicable. There, this coefficient is non-linear for different speeds. Constants apply when planes have a straight wing of great elongation.
“The plane’s parameters are set according to the curve, climbing, speed, acceleration schedules. Everything is coming together well now. Oswald’s changes will cause a discrepancy between any schedule.
“There are no nonlinear coefficients in the game yet (technical limitation), but this will not make the plane better, rather even worse.”

“Константы для Освальда для самолетов с конструкцией вроде Су-27 неприменимы. Там этот коэффициент нелинеен для разных скоростей. Константы применимы, когда у самолеты прямое крыло большого удлиненния”
“Параметры самолета настроены по графикам виража, скороподъемости, скорости, разгона. Сейчас все хорошо сходится. Изменения Освальда вызовет несоответствие какому-либо графику”
“Нелинейных коэффицентов в игре пока нет (техническое ограничение), но лучше от этого самолету не станет, скорее даже хуже”


The F-4J is not using a Opto-electronic pointing station nor was it effective at all & was abandoned by the US.

Any other failed US technologies of the 70’s you would like to use as example?


What was the advantage of the casegrain antenna ?

No advantage AFAIK, Su-27 initially was meant to has PESA, but it wasn’t ready.

No need for another, the change isn’t live yet.

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It’s complete nonsense. The developer is an idiot

For the Su-27, it looks about the same, only the numbers are different


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There was none.

The Soviet Union original specifications of the N001 were supposed to use a phased array antenna similar to the MiG-31’s N007/RP-31 Zaslon radar.

But Soviet Dissolution was imminent & the industry to develop quality electronics en masse was nonexistent.

It was either use a Cassegrain radar dish like Dev team Rubin at Phazotron did for the Mig-29 or the Su-27 would have no radar at all.
The Mig-29 was also supposed to have a much better radar capability but was unable due to the economic struggles in the last years leading to the collapse of state. Dev team Rubin came up with the plan of using the Sapfir-23 ML radar dish to stand in for the dish they were not able to produce.

NIIP Tikhomirov decided on the same method Phazotron did for the Mig-29 & the rest is history.

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Say it to V_S_N, not me.


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Best loadout out so far imo :)

This might be the best loadout so far. A common Su-35 loadout. ETs are actually very advanced IR missiles that GJ decided not to prop up but rather the R-27ER. A shame imo.

Stupid so he sticks to the 50 degree (+/-25 degree) investigation radius. In other words, if the target leaves the range, the lock-on will be interrupted lol.

ET is horrible in the game in terms of IRCCM, 9L for real ignores flares more often

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If you get a good launch, the ET is basically a 10km stealth kill