Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

This is from Su-27SK(Just export Su-27) flight manual.

Radar can receive angular position of target from NSC(HMD) in HELMET mode.


And?, im proving to you that cassegrain antenas can be slaved to a hms, thing that you claimed to be impossible…


They cannot precisely move and guide with pinpoint precision.

Only a fool would think the radar dish can move to the speed and accuracy as a human beings head in all directions with a Cassegrain radar dish taken from the Mig-23

Let me demonstrate how nonsensical both your claims are

Nice so the russian souces also goes against his narrative


I have shown you flight manual that claims that radar can get angular coordinates of the target from HMD.


The Su-27 & Mig-29s of the Soviet Era are technologically incapable of magically using their IRST to do it for them. The maximum search zone of the Mig29 N019 radar dish is 50 degrees & 10 degrees for ACM. The radar dish is incapable looking beyond as modelled in the game.

However, with the fake Radar HMD it can reach as far as 71 degrees & offer precise HMS targeting the dish can never do in real life.

They have a fixed search zone so tell me genius how can the Mig-29s IRST magically exceed 50 degrees just because a pilot can look further?

just because you dont undestand it doesnt mean that the soviets were unable to, again you have provided no source for this just vage assumptions.


those are scan patterns…


No you don’t understand and are coping & begging for overpowered models.

Neither can the OEPS be used with radar guided missiles its fake.

We have a real sherlock Holmes over here guys.

That is the maximum degrees the radar of the Mig-29 can turn genius. They have no other search patterns.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant you are.

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you are the one coping for nerfing a platform without providing any source… just using layman arguments


sry but we should say, u r stu…

Answer the question boy, you came out swinging that I am spewing bs.

How does this magical HMS exceed 70 degrees? when the radar dish cannot?

Alll you have is an American radar & some guy has a google post of the Su27 manual.

I have the Su-27SK manual both Russian & English.


so you admitted? when it is on the mode for the hms it does not have a set search pattern just… the radat will point where the hms is aiming under the design capabilities, which are the 71º


The Mig-29 has no other search patterns that exceed 50 degrees because the radar is physically incapable of pointing further.

You are now going to play more unintelligent than you actually are?

Of course you are, go away.

The 50 degree search radius is actually a 25 degree gimbal lol

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just because it doesnt have a wider search patter doesnt mean that it cant steer furder, such a basic understanding

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Whatever, it cannot magically exceed its search range by using the IRST LMFAO!!

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This is document from moscow aviation institute.
And what i see? Topaz MiG-29 ±70.

That is the N019M Topaz radar. That is extensively upgraded over the N019 Rubin.

Good job

Thanks for nothing