Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

So an F-15 can have an AIM-120, APG-63V1 or V2 AESA and a JHMCS helmet sight.
Sounds like it’s going to be a nice Su-27 vs F-15 battle.

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This game is not about time of service balance. But i think F-15C will be 63V1+ JHMCS

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You’re right, otherwise there couldn’t have been, say, a 1983 F-15A against a late 80s Su 27. The time of introduction is irrelevant.
So it’s hard to say what version they’ll put in, personally I’d want a better version of the F-15 hence the older Su 27, purely because I’m an Eagle fan. But otherwise I don’t really care.

The game is about combat rating…otherwise, the T-54 of the 1949 model would not have played against the Leopard-A1 and AMX-30, AMX-10RC with a thermal imager…And there would be a T-64A…


I think we have to see how the TVC on the MICA performs, and how the AAM-4 is modeled first before we declare that. The AAM-4 has a large diameter, like the PL-12, and that causes poor performance in game as was seen on the last dev server. Both are supposed to be 120C type range missiles.


to be fair more mass means more momentum, which means itll retain more energy, which means more range. you can bring a 10kg missile to mach 5 and have it immediately fall out of the sky because it barely has any momentum compared to a same speed 211.5kg R-27ER after its motor runs out.
the more momentum a moving object has the more that object wants to keep moving


@pyroraptor841 Community Bug Reporting System

You didn’t read the book well

I could be wrong, but that sounds like a launch failure. The radar is still is tracking the target but the missile fails to read the signal

If you don’t mind, around what page / what manual is that?

In case of failure of target tracking after the R-27Pl missile’s descent at short ranges, the pilot should vigorously turn to the target to provide illumination in the view mode due to radiation on the side lobes of the antenna pattern and perform recapture of the target.

That appears to be talking about when the missile has closed to short range and is being guided by the reflected radar energy rather than by datalink. This part is quite explicit in saying that datalink is not resumed:

5.6.5. If the RLPK target acquisition fails, after the missile leaves CSG and re-capture of the same target, the DNP mode for the launched missile is not resumed.

DNP mode is datalink


Бортовой комплекс самолетовождения, прицеливания и управления вооружением самолета МИГ-29Б

DNP-Discrete-continuous illumination

Yes, (it’s just the CW signal + HPRF/MPRF to update the radar’s tracking) but the Datalink is encoded in that CW signal

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Oh well whatever they just marked it as not a bug anyway

I guess going to be like every missile having an inverse monopulse seeker in-game, every missile/radar set can reactivate and relock regardless of technical limitations irl

Yep, which is the name for the datalink mode:

Discrete-Continuous Illumination (DNP) mode, when an attacked target is tracked and cueing is performed and transmitted to the missile via the RC line (radio correction for missiles with FTC);



Radio correction disappears for the rocket. But there is no signal reflection

Su-27 seems got IRST range buff (?). Or that usless line.


no way.

This would be a blessing, I can only hope!

From here


Omg BLESS!!!