Supercruise as going supersonic, technically yes, most jets can technically do this at the right conditions, like a Lightning. EF2k’s cruise, but most pointedly F-22’s is relevant because it is faster (~1.4-1.5), which is the original meaning of supercruise.
F-15 technically can but that would be like arguing the merits of the F-106’s ‘supercruise’.
It very much does.
Per the Cambridge dictionary supersonic is defined as “faster than the speed of sound”. The speed of sound is Mach 1.0 and on both graphs it quite comfortable exceeded Mach 1.0 without Reheat
The lightning does not use a turbofan, aircraft with turbofans that efficiently supercruise tend to rely on a lower bypass ratio or suffer from excessive turbine inlet temperatures. The F-135 on the F-35 has to handle nearly 2,000 degrees C whereas the RM12 (F404) can get away with ~1,400C. Yes, the F-35 makes more thrust but it is more than 3x as heavy and makes only ~2x the thrust without afterburner. I am using the RM12 on the Gripen as an example because I do not know the EJ200 numbers off the top of my head.
Aircraft like the F-35 also needed higher bypass ratios to allow for the modified variant to drive the turboshaft vertical lift fan. The Eurofighter does not have such an excuse. Instead, they relied on a higher bypass ratio to allow for more efficient afterburner performance and to meet the performance requirements of the program in combat conditions. Climb rate was a huge one for them.
Other engines such as the F119 on the F-22 and the M88 on the Rafale use a much lower 0.3:1 bypass ratio, and they also have lower turbine inlet temperatures and reasonable pressure ratios. These engines have long lifespans and good dry thrust performance. The F119 for example has more dry thrust than the EJ200 does afterburning.
Regardless we have sources that state the eurofighter can Mach 1.5 super cruise though for some reason one person seems to believe he knows better and think it can’t super cruise at all
We do not know that it can efficiently supercruise. The data suggests this would negatively impact the lifespan of the engine compared to other designs which were made with supercruise in mind from the onset.
That is why they wanted a 30+ percent improvement in wartime thrust capability that was supposed to be achieved by ~2016? They also wanted the AESA a lot sooner but most of the fleet goes with a mechanical scan in 2024. All of these supposed capabilities are vaunted and then 30 years late.
AL-31 has a ~0.56:1? Bypass ratio and can’t supercruise. Su-57 has a modified engine with S-ducts and can, but the supercruise speed is low and likely not quite efficient until the new AL-51 enters service.
So I don’t think we will see a supercruising Flanker, not that it’s a particularly useful trait for a non-stealth fighter.
Usually the echo chamber stayed in the chamber but now they’re out and about. This isn’t the right thread to continue posting memes (they’re nothing more).
Also I’m not a Russian plane fanatic. I’m a die-hard American patriot. Good job letting everyone know you don’t actually have me blocked (again). @MythicPi l.
Do you guys think later variants of the Flanker will carry R-37M? I’ve heard some reports and seen some photos but I don’t know if it’s actually supposed to be part of any Flanker arsenal.