Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Im still betting it will be a premium/squadron plane.

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Ground RB 🤮

At first, there was about such an option with the output of information to the IPV (it was developed simultaneously with the option for the Su-25T/ TM).

Further here…(it looks more like TEWS).Реестр Су-33 - Страница 77
There are also more recent upgrades…

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Interesting, thanks

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So, wait, does this means that Yak-141 can have it RWR displayed in the cockpit through it IPV?

That’s exactly what I said?

Compared to the 27? None. The Su-33 can carry 12 missiles thanks to its root pylons, though that would be undermined since the Su-27SM recently received an extra 2 R-77s.

The Su-27SM2 and beyond have these extra pylons, and with the duel loads between the nacelles it would be able to carry 14 missiles.

Compared to the normal Su-27 though, it does have an extra 2 missiles. Both the Su-27M (if added) and Su-33 have the rare chance to use R-27E[A/M]s, though the Su-33 would be no different apart from its airframe changes.


Su-27SM2 does not exist. There are SM and SM3. They can’t use twin pylons. It’s pure gaijin fiction


I do not know which version was made for the Yak-141, but in terms of equipment it is closer to the MiG-29M, therefore, either on the ILS or on the multifunctional indicator in the cockpit…

Yak-41UT had plug for Bereza

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Interesting, but not usable for in-game cockpit not only different, but that spot already taken by IPV

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Seems it had SPO-15 originally but was upgraded to L-150(assuming I have the right cockpits here haha);


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The first photo is not a Su-33 at all


What second stick is on the 1st photo?

It just hasn’t RWR at all prior L-150


So you can play video games on the MFD haha, no idea I was looking at various photos for it. Problem is its in a bunch of other games so images is flooded with DCS cockpits ahah.

What was the cause of removing SPO-15?

That’s the refresh rate of the CRT display, not the radar itself. (What you see is not the radar beam moving across the scan volume, but rather the electron beam scanning the CRT display)

From “Russia’s Arms and Technologies. The XXI Century Encyclopedia. Vol. 10 - Aircraft armament and avionics”:

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I didn’t write that it was installed…The L-150 was designed for the Su-25T and in a simplified version for the Su-33 and Yak-141, actually working samples were received around 1988-1990, I do not know what the early version looked like …
The photo that I posted is a later version of the SIO-1 screen on the Su-39.
In what year the serial production of the L-150 began, I do not know.
The real cabin was only at number 77 of the Yak-41, which crashed…
And I don’t know what’s in the game at all!

This is a multifunctional display Yak-41.
IPV-1 here on the ancient T-10K-6, although the first serial is considered to be the T-10K-7, which turned out to be in China…
