I don’t see a source to back that statement other than just gaijin’s beliefs
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Statement about what?
Radars need dwell time on target to be able to detect it. Speed of light is a constraint, considering how many time a second a radar goes from emitting to detecting. Also, the less time you spend illuminating an area of the sky, the less energy will be reflected back at you, this forces you to slow down.
So. just because a radar can steer its beam really fast, does not mean it will detect everything in the path of its beam. The MiG-29’s radar is capable of moving its antennae at 70°/s. However, it rarely does so, because it has to move the beam slow enough for it to pick up a target. In the manual scan mode, for example, it moves it with 50°/s.
The same thing applies to ESA radars. Just because it can near instantaneously change the position of its beam, does not mean it will pick up every target.
Look up “radar dwell time” for more info.
Okay. Lets imagine PESA radar with 60x20 scan zone, 1.5x1.5 beam and 200km range. We will have 533 “pixels” and add additional 10% for overlaps. We will count beam move as infinetly fast and exclude time for phase shifters.
580 multiplicate by 200/300000(range/speed of light) multiple by 2(2 way) and by 10(radar need to send and receive several echoes). We have got 7.7 seconds. This is the best explanation I can generate.
Ssu-33 datamined
took from rumors&discussion thread
Damn,.was hoping for MiG-29K. Oh well, Su-33 it is. Probably also means J-15 as C&P and hopefully Krechet (Kiev-class according to NATO) missile cruiser-carrier as an AI to support it existence outside of just being a sidegrade of Su-27S
J-15 is not just C&P. It much better in terms of electronics equipment. ARH missiles, AGMs, TGP and etc.
Unless Gaijin gonna take ordinance as per usual
Well since the radar topic was brought up, can’t the radar on the su34 & similar hardlock multiple air targets?
Can I have the source of this nonsense?
You should Ask tech mods.
I wonder if the Su-33 might be Russia’s $80 premium? With that viggen bringing SPAMRAAMs to the table for premiums, then the Su-33 and its R-27ERs doesn’t seem as crazy for a premium anymore.
99% that MiG-23-98 will be premium
I hadn’t noticed mig-23-98. Depending on the BR it might be more viable than the Su-33.
The main russian attraction for the next update Will be either the 33, 30 or the 29k. I’m 90% sure it’ll be the crap 33 now that it is in the files.