Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

surprise surprise

if you stall in low speeds < it point constantly down. if you pitch up it will again point down canceling your pitch up and adding drag, at the same time killing you unless you go to full control.

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so the flanker FM got changed a bit today, dont quite know what they did though
just stuff like this

“Fuse large plane”

You sure it for Flanker FM? Wonder that a fuse (I assume for missiles?) suppose to to with FM of the jet (unless it just a nerf for flankers - missiles gonna fuse at greater range)

Is this on the dev server or for live?
And what exactly tells you that this is a flight model change?

dev, and its on the fm file and i think its fm coz
theyre naming control surfaces and such.
genuinely have no idea what changed

So is this a change for all the Flankers ingame? Su-34 and Su-27?

so far ive only checked the Su-27sm though the J11s and the 27 also got changed but i havent yet checken those specifically

to note every change, with left being new and right being old:







specific to the Su-27sm


Interesting, are these changes working in the devserver? I could download and compare with the live version.

doing this rn, but if you want to as well, its .51 on dev


20 min fuel, clean wings, 1800m, 700kph, using simplified controls
also my bad, i was checking the 27SM, not the normal 27

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Also you should probably post this in the dev server changelog thread as well

ill do that in a bit, dueling a mirage rn to see if it got better

i want to say it feels different but i cant quite figure out if thats placebo or its actually the case

Yeah same. It almost feels like it pulls slightly harder initially but I don’t want to spread false information.

weve been with bad fms and neglected for so long we cant even believe ourselves when something changes lmao

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So no changes for the MiG-29?