Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

But did the sm get the r77-1 irl or just late variants?

The Su-30SM definitely. The Su-27SM should be able to carry them because it’s the same missile but improved, however the 77-1 is also much more recent. So it COULD carry them, I don’t think it DID however.

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Early C is same in everything, except fins.

Is there any reports about that?

SM was only with R-27ER at release IRL, until 2011, where 77-1 was added to loadouts

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It did, but only after 2011, because until that russia didnt use R-77 and ARH missiles

Here, the acknowledged bug report as of June 10.
I think they already corrected some of those.

Also they have the same problem as all the other thrust vectoring missile, which is spinning.

Then just wait

We have to be sure about It because otherwise gaijin won’t add… For now what can be done is fixing the energy retention issue which is a must for realism reasons, but what makes it really inferior to the current western counterparts meta wise is its radar and the fox3s, and that only a late variant like the sm3 can fix. Like i said we’ll probably have to cope with this plane for a while, war thunder is never 100% balanced, unfortunately.

Oh, but at that time they upgraded their SMs to the SM3, didn’t they?

No, not all
Btw, SM3 is the same in case of avionics

If it wrong - why nobody used flight manual and other trustable sources?

None of RuAF planes have ever seen basic R-77

I already explained to you that the manuals doesn’t give you enough info regarding the energy bleed, to match the str they changed oswald coefficient in mig29 and su-27 without looking into other parameters of the flight model. You can match the charts using many different variables.

I also explained that the instructor is poorly adjusted, for the current fm (at least for the mig29) it’s too much to be efficient in 2C and too little to be efficient in 1C.

I also explained that we have a video comparing the energy bleed of a real su-27 to the ingame one, but you think it’s propaganda so i can’t argue about that, it’s my opinion against yours.


So, maybe then find some info in other sources?

Instructor pulls too much, thats true, but you always can use full controlls which mostly fixes similar issue for F-15

Full controls with mouse is super shit, when ppl play RB they want a simplified gamemode, it’s not fair to give a poor instructor to a plane giving it a poor performance while its counterparts have a much better configuration.

Ppl are trying to do that for these planes as we speak


No one is making excuses except for those doing poorly in the aircraft. You have 10 missiles, 6 of which outclass anything in the game. Use them.

The plane may not be the best but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it well. Complaining here doesn’t help us unless you have something useful to the FM discussion. You want the excuses to stop? Stop complaining. Get out of our way so we can discuss the solution.

The MICA isn’t “nerfed”. The kinematic performance is mostly accurate.

No, they are slightly underperforming to underperforming as much as 50% depending on scenario. The R-77 more so.

Though they have seen RVV-AE.


but they saw RVV-AE

Mousejoystick in wt is really good, in some aspects better than joystick.

Its not fair to give good anything then, right?

But cant…
Or at least not really

Are you sure?
Theres no infrormation about it was on russian, only about export

Well if you can give a good configuration for both but you decide to give good to one and mediocre to the other ur certainly being unfair 🤷

This is purely an assumption based on nothing, i don’t get why you want to demotivate these guys.