Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

my R-27ERs on SU-27 target friendlies despite having a lock on an enemy %50 of the time after this patch lol

Never died to a radar missile surprisingly. Most of them were from American planes and chinese players

You can do the Kvochur bell extremely well dev. Slightly sloppier now on live with less control, but it can be done.

The issue is that the the jet locks up due to the instructor at the peak of the maneuver. Not as smooth as it was on the Dev.

Very fun to do, especially if you can get an R73 shot at someone.

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Bollywood is at it again! Hella extra over the top. I am soo down to watch this.

Well, not much compared to Hollywood …A famous figure!..

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That was perfectly done right there.

The above statement is more of a video game understanding. Speed does not dictate stability regarding the science of flight.

The F-16 does not increase in stability the faster it flies lol. NEITHER does the Su27.

There are two types of stability. Static and Dynamic. There are also three subtypes of each.

Static stability is the initial tendency of an aircraft to return to its original position when it’s disturbed. There are three kinds of static stability positive, neutral and negative.
All jets in game are currently modelled to emulate positive static stability especially with the instructor.

However, the Su27 and F-16 are Dynamic stability designed and remain unstable in all regimes ESPECIALLY the Su27.

Additionally, the Su27 was specifically designed to execute tactical maneuvers that are not possible with purely aerodynamic techniques. Such maneuvers can involve controlled side-slipping or angles of attack beyond maximum lift. This is known as Supermaneuvrability.

The new limitation of alpha for the Su-27, that “invisible wall” placed on full real controls at around 700km is 100% artificial and it can only be explained by FCS or artificial nerf on the FM itself. It is not a natural phenomenon based on airspeed. The Su27 is a Dynamically stable platform.

ik this is not related to the flanker but i just wanted to know, how different is the gripen and the mirage 4000 compared to the devserver? Wish i had these planes to test myself, specially the gripen (brazillians tend to be gripen-biased)

Very hard test sustane turn Su-27 using sb presets. without damping it’s full unstable and lost all speed in turn.

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im brazillian, and yes we fucking love the gripen lmao
gripen should beat the mirage4000, also gripen can pull 30g, also our pilots dont die from that amount of g force
(ofc im joking, i have no idea if the gripen should be better or worse than the mirage4000)
here we have the gripen E with iris-t and meteors so, way different from the gripen in War thunder

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oloco kkkkkkkk, quem diria

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nem fudendo kkkkkkk

any news about the su27 flight model? @MiG_23M

the M4k seems slightly less agile. Did not test Gripen until live

From Oshida datamines, appears su27 got further nerfs

  • J-11, Su-27 :
    • No longer has automatic wing sweep control
    • Flapless wing
      • Oswald’s efficiency number decreased from 0.61 to 0.44
        • This means higher coefficient of drag depending on AoA, decreasing overall turn
      • Induced drag Mach multiplier curve adjustments
        • Critical Mach number from 0.9 to 0.4
        • Mach number of coefficient max from 1.9 to 1.0
        • Coefficient max value from 1.8 to 0.5
        • Multiplier linear coefficient after max from 0.05 to 0.1
        • Induced drag multiplier will begin applying from M0.4, hitting coefficient max value at M1.0 and increasing more sharply at a rate of 0.1 until the multiplier limit
    • Wing with flaps out
      • Oswald’s efficiency number decreased from 0.55 to 0.44
        • This means higher coefficient of drag depending on AoA, decreasing overall turn
      • Induced drag Mach multiplier curve adjustments
        • Critical Mach number from 0.9 to 0.4
        • Mach number of coefficient max from 1.9 to 1.0
        • Coefficient max value from 1.8 to 0.5
        • Multiplier linear coefficient after max from 0.05 to 0.1
        • Induced drag multiplier will begin applying from M0.4, hitting coefficient max value at M1.0 and increasing more sharply at a rate of 0.1 until the multiplier limit
    • Max thrust before calculation increased from 7600 to 7680 kgf
      • After calculation, this will express in a gain of 200 - 300 kgf regardless of speed
    • Flap destruction limit at 100% increased from 463 to 600 km/h IAS
  • Su-27
    • Thrust at 0 m 0 km/h TAS decreased
      • From 24300 kgf to 23300 kgf (with burner)

Brother that was from the one I just downloaded again? None of that looks healthy for the jet.

The thrust was the only kind of good thing? (never mind)

on top of the hard wall on high aoa, they also have increased energy bleed in turns. They also increased drag just flying forwards slowing acceleration. The thrust output nerf is tiny though; its still go plenty thrust at low speed

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Thats what pisses me off the most.

It’s almost like its slowly devolving into the SMT with a worse radar.

I have noticed its harder to stay nimble at high speeds than before even lower fuel and few missiles. Alpha aside just regular basic dogfighting at transonic.

Wonder where GJ is going with this being that we have aircraft that handle like RC Airplanes out there with a million large caliber flares. F-15 and F-16C aside.


They had it so good on the dev server, it actually felt very similar to the dcs fm.

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It was a work of art on the Dev server.

What are your ideas?

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