Maybe I will tell you, and maybe not
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
I only ask here so you will share this info with everyone else
96 cms instead of 24
Other differences between series are very minor for game.
All missile animation in game incorrect
Testing AoA for F-15 and Su-27. Both seem correct currently.
F-15 can peak at ~40 degrees briefly and sustain 28 degrees.
Su-27 is fully capable of the Cobra (90 degree AoA, 120 degree nose pitch).
Guys who has the Chinese Flanker and the Soviet? The J-11 is much more maneuverable and can pull 90-degree aoa on a dime compared to the Soviet.
Is there a technical reason for this I am missing?
Both should be 1:1 identical, weird
They are
I am testing them again looking at fuels. Will post videos in about 30 if I find out I am not just tripping.
What’s the RWR fitted to the Su-27 at the moment?
No J-11 is heavier and has to maneuver worse
If it turned out to be better in the game, ask the customizer
Roger that bro, stand by for vids. For all of you guys to determine if they are correct compared to the Russian.
I was wrong, a single line is changed between the two flight models which is the empty weight. Doesn’t seem to noticeably affect FM performance.
I should have figured, the BVR fight gets much harder if you don’t know when the missile is launched, especially if guidance of AIM-7F/M is properly on HPRF/MPRF. Though I expect that not to be an issue with the snails basic SARH missile implementation.