Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

1.R-77(izdelie 170)_These missiles were not supplied to the Russian Air Force. It was only in 2009 that a small number of them were purchased for the Su-35S fighters that were being tested at that time.
2.RVV-AE(izdelie 190)…

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Was watching the episode this morning . Interesting stuff on the radar . Another interesting point was that the Su-30SM showcased at the beginning was armed with both R-77 ( central pylons ) and R-77-1 ( wing pylons ) . R-77 stocks might have been more important than what is generaly portrayed in the public domain .

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No, it’s all R-77-1, but with different fuzes

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RVV-AE also has a laser fuse…

  • remote active laser with adaptation to the size of the target being hit;
  • duplicate contact fuse-self-destruct;
  • fuses are cocked at a distance of 150-300 m from the carrier aircraft and ensure maximum damage to the target by elements of the warhead;
    The option is a classic remote radar fuse.

Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104246
Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104155



Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104435 — копия
Снимок экрана 2024-07-08 104458 — копия

As far as i know R-77-1 comes by defacto with laser fuse , only R-77 was initially proposed with radar fuse ( frontal section is completely smooth ) so the absence of laser fuse from those under central pylons of the 30SM indicates they are R-77.

As ZVO mentioned R-77 did also come with laser fuse so if all missiles had laser fuse the only reliable differentiating factor would be to look at the fairing around the grid fins.

RVV-AE /R-77

RVV-SD / R-77-1

The R-77-1 is available in two versions with a different fuse

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hardcore danger work, in the cold with your arms raised your fingers don’t even have strength. still high risk of slipping your boot on the ice.

Yes, have to, fingers are freezing

What information is wrong here?

almost all of it

For Ziggy, the original F-15 model 199B configuration with ventrals.


have any data on CY-30CM with Irbs-E?

He was never there.

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The Irbis-E radar exists on the Su-30SM2

have imgs?

I don’t have photos, but I definitely saw information about it

In this case if both planes got almost equal characteristics what is the point of producing Su-30SM2 and Su-35S simultaneously?

I think there are reasons for this that I don’t know about.


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They got improved Bars

Navy loves two-seaters