Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

And what does KLIVT have to do with it? I’ve lost the thread of the dialogue. KLIVT appeared earlier

There is an all-angle nozzle for AL-31/41… but there is a conflict of interest between NPO SATURN and NPC SALYUT (although now both companies are members of the ODK) - Saturn does not have a license for the Salyut nozzle… how the RF Ministry of Defense coordinates orders for engines and nobody knows the design…

By 2007 Russian jet engine maker Salut had spent $40 million on developing the AL-31FM1 engine for Su-27, Su-30, Su-33 and other Sukhoi aircraft and successfully completed its tests in October 2006. The modernized version of the famed AL-31F engine features improved thrust characteristics, a 15% increase in combat effectiveness and cycle life, and reduced maintenance costs. The AL-31FM1 will be initially installed on Su-27SM Flanker fighters in service with the Russian Air Force, but it also has a high export potential, a company official said.


we have first batch Su-27SM that had old Al-31F

and old R-77


Su-30SM2…A new or modified Radar has been officially announced…
Обнародованы редкие кадры испытаний бетонобойных бомб новых Су-30 (

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Where did you find that? Looks unusual

In fact, Gaijin made a grave mistake. The R-77 and RVV-AE are different missiles
R-77 100km RVV-AE-80km


R-77 name in game is wrong?
show specs of r-77 100km.

dragged from the web…



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Уголок неба ¦ Р-73
Управляемая ракета средней дальности Р-77 (РВВ-АЕ) | Ракетная техника
Если у вас есть дополнительная информация о рейсе, отправьте ее разработчикам.

В.Марковский, К.Перов. Развитие советских авиационных ракет класса “воздух-воздух”.М-Хобби

RVV-AE is an export option

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give specs of real r-77 russian

Everything is the same as RVV-AE, only the range is 100km

doesn’t the weight change?

177kg vs 175

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and the speed?

4M 3.6m leight 0.2m diam