It was not entirely removed from service like the MiG-21. Also, I said that already.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
It was decommissioned in 1999
Yes, we have F-15 that have more stable AOA then Su-27
That’s not true at all.
Just flew the Su-27 on min fuel and clean configuration and now it holds ab 40 mph (70kmh) less speed in a sustained turn. T Why are they giving it the MiG-29 treatment when it was fine in the dev server?
Look at the code instead of a Stat card. Manual states 80…100km for a 3m^2 target in HPRF. In a lookup high alt and medium alt. Low alt that figure dropped to 35-40km. In game code its just 80km no matter alt.
MPRF high alt look up is 50-55km.
medium alts drops to 35-45km
and low altitude 20-25km.
in game code is just 40km. No matter alt.
This is for detection.
Its similar to mig 29 radar, just bigger
And how about the radar in the F-15? Probably all op
but mUh ruSSiaN bİAs
Nah, its not even an APG-63. Its a toy compared to what it should be
It ok right now. Maybe even overperforms
nope. Underperforms by alot
Screenshots don’t do anything for us, sustained AoA for F-15 is underperforming if that is the case. I would need to reference the Su-27 material to know if it is underperforming or not.
I only played it briefly. But seemed much better on the F15J.
Just go in it
148 km range. FOV modes. Search, Search PD, Search PD, Search PDV HDN.
Just had to share this with you guys , too cool not to share , especially after 2 months of SMT torture. @MiG_23M @Ziggy1989 @BBCRF
Even with mouse aim only, like in my video, the Sukhoi can still get great results.
they need to add thrust vectoring animation for real
I am out of likes… The Jet is the best meta fighter imo. However it is less maneuverable definitely from dev. I am sad about that over the radar.
Today I learned they can limit AoA without the Instructor based on speed.
Still, invisibile missiles is a bigger advantage than R-73s in ground RB/SIM