Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

What are the main differences between Su27 and Su27sm? Better engines? IRST looks smaller, is it worse?



Ignorant… Again.

The Su-27 in game is the Su-27S. The SM is a modernized version that on the surfaces changes the radar, IRST, and gives it the ability to fire the R-77.

Modern MFDS, new FCS with improved radar and EO along with SPO-29 and the ability to use a very wide range of new weapons.

L-150. L-150-27 to be exact. SPO-29, SPO-32, etc are some made up names.

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That’s Su-27SM. SM2 is made up name by people on forums to show a difference between series of SM.


Cool, thanks guys. Sounds like a nice addition.

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Yes. SPO is easier as to follow the series name so more familiar for people who arent so knowledgeable about it.

Su-27SM2 not even has a code name for it on the database of Russian Army, that the fictional name the Russian Navy Airforce called for the Su-27SM.
Su-27SM2 (wrong information!!! do not thake this:unify the Radar and Engine with Su-35) with domestic sight instead of Thales.
Ano no, please don’t take it as an official designition, we have enough confusion.

What the freak is this ?

With that logic, i can call the whole Block from F-16 series is a 50th generation till block 72.

No. That is an SM2.

That’s pure fake


Bruh, so then it’s just another confusion Russian Navy cause one more time. FFS

Oh, sorry for that, confused with the Su-30SM2, f uc k my brain.

I need to see some documentation or something because why would I take your word for it?

So you can have your opinion and I can have mine but until there’s any actual documentation showing this, then I’m gonna stick with my own conclusion. You’re welcome

Go ahead? Noone is stooping you from doing that!

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And this proves again… Nothing.

Just because it is not listed there does not mean it doesn’t exist.

Choose any rude word you want that describes a stupid man and think that I called you that. Something that doesn’t exist can’t be listed somewhere.

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No. You take that to yourself.

You are extremely ignorant, clearly.

There is literal photos of the aircraft yet you think it does not exist. 😂🤣

Keep living in your delusions Bro.

With the logic of your “proof” Su-30, Su-35, Su-57, Su-25, Su-34, Su-24 does NOT exist Rofl.

Aircraft exist. Just under other name instead of “SM2” made up by people on forums to show the difference between SM series.

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It doesn’t lead up to the Su-35S. Su-27SM is just Su-27S with Fox-3 Capability, Pastel RWR and CAS options. Su-35S are not built from existing Su-27S/SM platforms as far as I know.