Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Gripen is not like Mirage 2000. It has a delta wing, but the cannard near the wing causes better energy retention (the biggest weakness of the delta wing is poor energy retention, the computer controlled cannard optimizes the airflow over the wing to make the Gripen hold energy better) so the Hornet is much weaker in sustained maneuvering.

In dogfight configuration Gripen has missiles on the wingtips, it does not affect the performance of the aircraft.


any weapon affects flight performance.And also the “duck” circuit like Grippen’s has a large inductive resistance, but less than the delta wing.However, it is inferior to the classical scheme. Grippen should be worse than the Su-27 in the established turn

I don’t know. The Gripen’s problem is a weak engine. In a dogfight configuration, it’s not noticeable. But if the fuel tanks are suspended under the wings, the drag is great and the Gripen becomes very limited. He’s happy to give about 1.3M. Therefore, with a comparable configuration, maybe 2* fuel tank and armament will be weaker than say F-16 or F-15 or Su 27.

But if it is in a “dogfight” configuration, it will beat almost anything it encounters. ( with an equally capable pilot) It has superior aerodynamics, but engine power is engine power.

Everything has it’s pros and cons, the weaker engine gives it good range for a Gripen with small size. It is also cheaper to operate than say the F-100 engine

Some brochures (press on images)

Sharing this here since it is a weapon of the SU-27, and i am using the SU-27 in the video.

Soviet IRCCM is truly gimped by gaijin in this game.

1 tap flared as always, not even bothering to flare 2 times :)))))))))

Meanwhile 9M evades 20 flares at 5KM because you didnt turn enough ;)

I’ll reply to this in another thread so we can avoid off topic discourse


Fueltanks would be dropped anyway no matter which aircraft.

If the su27 was the same weight class as the gripen, I’m sure it would.

In reality, it’s 3.5 times heavier. The Su27 has significantly more inertia to overcome.

The gripen will always be able to turn tighter than the su27 for any given airspeed.

That’s why the Gripen lost 25:1? Against the Su-27 in WVR engagements…?

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I think that’s more down to the R73 than the aircraft itself.

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F-16’s had no issues countering the R-73, if the Gripen is superior to the F-16 why was it such a challenge?

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Skill diff.

If you use that logic then the gripen is a worse aircraft than the mig-21.

If you can’t see the wood for the trees then there isn’t much hope… your trying to claim using a one off scenario where the aircrafts own performance is possibly the least determining factor in those results…


How so, the Flanker won the VAST majority of WVR engagements and lost all of the BVR engagements. Why was this? You want to blame it on the R-73, but at that point it was WELL known to Gripen enjoyers how to handle such a weapon. What was the cause of the losses if not lack of performance against the Su-27?

25:1? That’s a lot lmao, If that’s true then 100% there’s something wrong with the current gripen…

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in what
what are you on about
what where the parameters

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Yes, the J-11’s beat the Gripens 25:1 in the first two days which were earmarked for “basic tactical maneuvers” (BFM)… dogfights.


Don’t jump to conclusions from the published results of the Gripen vs. Su 27 dogfights. There are many variables that are very important, from pilot training in manoeuvre combat, DACT rules to equipment . Gripen was already using the old AIM-9L and probably didn’t have a helmet sight.


That’s crazy, i can only imagine the drama when the gripen gets nerfed…

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