Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

You need to check the mark at the end. I hope you can participate in the discussion in a civilized.



So… is the Su27 radar going to be modelled?


lil bro is coping when it’s an official document

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Can I say something?

All the radars you guys arguing over suck and are not modeled fully yet.

The F-16C, D & MLU is missing modes, detection and target precision
The F-15 (all variants) missing modes, detection and target precision. The F-15s did get a little more spicy at low alt performance after the recent sparrow update though.
The F-14 A & B missing modes, detection and target precision
Su27 is missing modes, detection and target precision. IRST is lacking just a copy paste 29 in detection range and tracking.

Prolly a lot more logical to argue which is better after they are fully modeled and implement in game.



For those who haven’t seen it and appreciate the Flanker & Mig29.

Amazing very qualified USAF expert and analyst discuses both these aircraft and how feared the Su27and its radar capability. How the Flanker is still the principal threat fighter of the United States. He touches on the F-15, Blitzfighter (F-16), mig25 and 23 as well.

He is a USAF Weapons School Graduate (Class 15A), and a former FTU instructor teaching Air Battle Managers that would go on to crew controller positions in AWACS, JSTARS, and GTACS Squadrons. Experience controlling tactical assets during OEF/OIF/OND, & running the unit Weapons & Tactics shop.

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I will add a few opinions to the debate:
What was the general opinion of the ‘Flanker’ in the F-15 community?
“The Su-27, and more so the Su-35, are formidable opponents. The planes manoeuvrability/ power is on par with, and can often eclipse the F-15C. As with most Russian equipment, they suffer in lack of situational awareness when approaching the merge, particularly in large force scenarios. So for an Eagle driver, you want to kill the Flanker before you merge with it, or merge with such an advantage that you can get a quick kill and move on. You will not out run it, and it generally carries a lot of weapons and gas. Typically the best of any countries pilots find themselves in the Su-27/35, and they are well trained and moderately experienced pilots. But with good teamwork and overall battle situational awareness (SA), I would expect Eagles to do well, but not come out unscathed. At least that was my experience.”
EX F-15 pilot.

It’s a strange pilot to compare the Su-27 and Su-35 as one, it’s like saying F-22=F-15C

i wouldn’t say that
it more like saying the harrier 1 is the same as the harrier 2

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These are two different planes. Both in terms of flight qualities and capabilities. The RСS is also reduced

Pilots have their subjective opinions.

Are the developers going to fix this bug?


Is this even reported?

Probably if will be then only in next major update

Yes, and accepted by you

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If so, please be patient, we can’t tell that.

700 km/h is ± 375 KIAS. ± M 0,59. Am I right?

suchoj nice one

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At what altitude? 700 TAS

It’s just me, or Su27 FM has been nerfed where right now slight roll in mach 1+ speed will result wing overlord crash??

i really hate random crash shit, almost like using F-14 tomcat

I don’t see any recent FM changes to the Su-27.

Been like this for a long time unfortunately, breaking wings is common.

Especially because of garbage instructor that limits your everything and still somehow manages to increase your risk of structural damage 🤡

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