So if you don’t have this data and are only quoting books on amazon then why are you arguing against people who are discussing data from the primary sources?
TsAGI did the aerodynamic design, Sukhoi adapted it (the conceptual design / theory) for a production vehicle later. Either way, the primary design institute behind the Su-27 and MiG-29 series.
We know MiG had to increase stability margin so they could get away with a simpler flight control system and reduce cost.
First thing:
Su-27 is tailed delta plane. Delta wing has an interesting property - the center of gravity of the wing changes in different speed ranges and AoA
Plane is full with fluid oils fuel etc. Center of gravity is not constant. And may vary depending from various reasons.
That’s why we have static stability and dynamic stability. Usually static stability not include weight of fluids or weapons.
For example P39 depending of ammunition weight and fuel can be unstable. That not change fact the design was stable
The “lift body” feature refers to the aircraft fuselage design that generates additional lift. In the case of fourth-generation fighter jets, such a solution can enhance aerodynamics and maneuverability, enabling better performance in air combat
From the same ICAS2002 congress presented by Sukhoi, they said the T-10 has a longitudinal instability margin of 3% to 5% of mean aerodynamic chord. This is even less stable than the production aircraft.
So what kind of a Su-27 iteration it is that is stable at first?
Su 27 has a relaxed stability depending on the aircraft centre of gravity determined by the fuel. If it has full tanks it is statically stable, if the fuel drops below a certain percentage it becomes less stable. It’s simple, with a full forward tank the aircraft’s centre of gravity is more forward. As the fuel is used up, the center of gravity shifts to the rear and the plane becomes less stable.
The control system will ensure the aircraft is controllable to -5% beyond the neutral point ( that doesn’t mean the Su 27 will get there, I don’t know of course).
Why are all of you bothering with this ?