Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Majority of players aren’t capable of that fortunately.

  • target has sky as background
  • near head on with very high closure speed
  • multiple lock attempts with SRC PD HDN
  • can’t keep lock for even one second between 40km to 20km

skill issue or labor of love moment?

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su27 radar is shit in game, especially when it comes to locking


Same thing happens to me too. Sometimes I lock somebody and radar keeps the target lock until the end of times no matter what he does, sometimes it just refuses to get a lock on anything to the point where even something like a Mig-23 can easily outrange my radar. It’s just a wild card for me.

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GJN logic, same with tanks. Trust us newer tech=more bad!

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My participation is also there


Is that a MIG-23 you’re locking? If so there is a bug where their RCS gets weird with wings back and speeds over mach 1.2. Used to be all swing wings, but was fixed, now its back and just affecting the 23.

India-announced plans for the ‘Super Sukhoi’ program with the installation of an Indian-designed AESA radar (“Virupaaksha”)… IAF’s ‘Super Sukhois’: Inside the $7.5 Billion Upgrade of Su-30MKI Fighter Jets (

Hey! Quick question: Is the SU27 supposed to bleed speed so quickly? In a dogfight all of your energy is gone after one turn, and when you are under 400-300kmh your lift just stops existing.

It’s any chance to make FM more friendly use in SB?? Grippen flyingike train through railway. Su-27 is like riding wild Mustang…

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I wouldnt describe it as a wild Mustang. A better way to portray it would be " The magic missile school bus" , incredible armament but it cant really do more than a one-circle

i kinda gave up trying to dogfight with this jet, just use the flanker to play air rb and score easy kills with the missiles, if you want to dogfight just go for the f14/f15/f16

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Even with small inputs at low speed it’s pull like crazy AoA. At medium speed around 600-700 it’s neutral and above 1100 km/h it’s start be nose heavy. It’s hard to gentle and steady dump speed not extending AoA…

auto flaps fuck it up at lower speeds

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On the other hand, it seems to fly like nothing happened when you lose both wings.

Can’t use radar or HMD for some totally 100% realistic reason…

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It’s both for gameplay and realism reasons

  1. You wouldn’t be in that plane if both wings were off, you’d have punched as soon as the first went missing
  2. You probably wouldn’t have power since whatever hit you and took off the wings probably also ruined the engines
  3. It’s straight up unfun to shoot someone down, out of the 16 seagulls gunning for you, only to have them shove a missile in your tail pipe
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HMD I can agree with, Radar just no.

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Actually not really, they need to rework what accounts as being dead…

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If I’m understanding the issues correctly, the FM is pretty close to accurate performance but the Oswalds efficiency numbers in game in completely unrealistically low and cause it bleed all it’s speed. Gaijin has it at 0.43 IRCC and IRL estimates from scholarly articles put it at ~0.73. F-15 in game is ~0.66 and Grippen is ~0.57 for reference.


Yes. It’s broke immersion and you can trash all what you know about BFM. Overall in game planes don’t lose enough energy during turns not only jet’s

I’m believe it’s because of instructor and lack of knowledge by players trying turn as tight as they can

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