it can also be at same alt when background is clear sky or some reason idk the exact specifics but it happens to all PD radars now
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
what i understand from this source is that, chaff should not be locked by PD radars,
for example, how could you use your gun sight that needs the radar locked at the enemy target so it can calculate how much lead you need to give to hit a shot, if you cant even lock the target?
1 year ago one bug report used the same source that i shared here, to say that pd radars shouldnt lock chaff, and it was accepted, what has changed now? Do we have radars that are not really pulse doppler?
im just trying to understand cause it doesnt make any sense, what i understand is that you should lose the lock cause of chaffs, but not really lock the chaffs
and what about the underperforming r73? not being able to hit a target with afterburner on all the time just cause he is using the periodic countermeasures is kinda…bs
Chaff is a bundle of otherwise solid objects that will quickly be lost to the PD due to the sudden loss of airspeed… but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t block the signal. Chaff has been overperforming anyway and I think InterFleet has been instrumental in shaping how radars and chaff work in the game with some of his research / reports. As I said, he is the one to ask.
I’ve spaded the Su-27, and I am fully in awe of how bad it is. The airframe is garbage, can’t win a 1v1 to save its life. Drops speed like no ones business and cant get it back.
Radar is anemic, cant lock, wont stay locked.
Just not going to bother with Russia anymore, when everything else is miles better.
I wonder Su-30 (Su-27PU) armed Air-to-Air Missile like Sukhoi Su-27S & Shenyang J-11 Flanker-B and no change engine but new radar ?
Wrong. Flanker has great acceleration and climb rate, low speed AoA is decent enough for one free R-73 shot.
Why are you getting in a 1v1 in first place? this ain’t Mirage nor Gripen. Keep your speed and use the ordinance at your disposal…
Not true, it holds speed pretty good in turns above mach 1.
This might be the only thing you are somewhat right, it is lackluster but still usable.
Altitude is the Flankers domain too!
I do not think there is a jet is better at dogfighting up high. The F-15 is close but imo the Flanker is king up high. Maybe the Tomcat… Hmm I will have to test that in a 1v1 high alt.
I think people hype themselves up about this plane, thinking it’s a super plane but it’s just an average 4th Gen, not a god-like entity
Considering the su27/30/33 makes up most of the russian air force it is clearly at least better then average. The su27 is pretty good at some things, one of the best 4th gens in agility, for example and is objectively a very uh… good looking… aircraft. And who calls the flanker a god-like entity lmao? The only god-like entity i know is the F-22 RAPTOR RAHHHHH >:)
LMAO yeah, it does look quite pretty, I’m just referring to the people who think it doesn’t have to obey the laws of physics and is good at everything, when nothing is)) carrying the best air to air load out in the game isn’t enough for some people I guess. Personally I’m quite content with it. It’s not a tornado ADV at least haha
Eagle would be good as flanker (or even slightly better) only if had a reliable medium range air to air missile similar to R-27. Sparrows are essentially a coin toss at medium ranges. not mentioning the they are being really slow (you start to notice that sluggishness especially after getting used to R27ER).
In theory AIM-54s outrange R-27ER by a little margin but the issue is they have worse kinematics. If tomcat launches way before the flanker and goes unnoticed she has a chance.
Haven’t encountered a potent tomcat player yet while playing the flanker yet so no clue how it would end up…
Exactly. Also flight model wise flanker is still miles ahead of the SMT. She is decently maneuverable, just not much as single engine lightweight fighters (shockedpikachu.jpg)
I think ziggy was talking about high altitude agility. But your analysis of high alt bvr is pretty spot on, theoretically the aim54s have a major advantage over 27ers cuz theyre fox 3 but since theyre so sh*t (can you swear on the forum?) in game it doesnt matter.
Swearing at someone? that will likely get you suspended from the forums for a while. Swearing (lightly) at an inanimate object? don’t think you will get into an issue.
Oh right, i missed the maneuverability part… yeah like ziggy said they should be toe to toe at thinner air.
You will find your tactic in it. The radar will be fixed.
The Su-27PU is wrong…That’s right, the Su-30(T-10PU)…
the Su-30 cannot use air-to-ground weapons…
Hi all. Why does the Su27 in the game have a rate of climb of 225 m/s, although in reality its rate of climb is 300 m/s, which corresponds to the technical specifications of the Air Force. but the game is missing 75 m/s