Sukhoi Su-15TM: The Boeing-Killer



Thanks! Good to have some pics of that.


Some more images of Su-15TM aircraft from a couple books I have:

Su-15TM (7 Images)

The first two show 74 Blue and 75 Blue which were the first two production Su-15TM aircraft. The 4th shows 47 Red in an all-black scheme during an airshow.

The books are Gordon’s Sukhoi Interceptors book and Markovsky’s Su-15 Fighter-Interceptor book


Those images really demonstrate how similar the J-8 is to it. Minus the double delta wing, they’re almost identical.

Only TM version have double delta. Older Su-15T have only single delta.

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Some other pics and sources:


+1 very intresting aircraft and perhaps gaijin should add a seperate PVO line beginning from the early supersonics… But that will be kind of unfair for other nations I think?



I am aware. The early ones are almost identical to the J-8. Funnily enough, the J-7E has the double delta wing found on the TM.

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The double delta on the J-7E are designed for mounting 4x PL-8 AAMs.


I would love to see at some point a dedicated line for interceptors in the Soviet tech tree (toghether with also the missing US interceptors).
My only concerns are related to the the capability (and willingness!!!) of players to adapt to the very specific play-style that would come with these jets. For sure the Su-15TM would be the less problematic but still not very well suited for massive low-altitude furball brawls (basically every god-damned air battles). It would be very fun to use in EC as long as more high altitude targets are available in that context.
Even more, if this can be applied for the Flagon, Su-9, Su-11 and Mig-25, are even in a worst spot as at least the first two totally lacks guns (the Su-9 also has only K-5 beam-riding missiles - therefore good luck in hitting anything with them) and the last one handles like a giant flying fridge.
Unfortunately interceptors are difficult to balance as they would carry with them the neverending dilemma of being too fast to be putted in BR with compatible armaments level or having very poor fighting capabilities to be putted together with jets able to catch them.
We shall see…


I agree that interceptors from the mid-Cold War era could be difficult to shoehorn into the current meta, but they could bring their own new playstyle which could mix things up and breathe new life into the game.


I think that there’s a place for many interceptors. The Su-15TM, MiG-23P, MiG-31 series, and F-106 are conventional enough to work. Aircraft such as the F-102, F-101B, and MiG-21PF with good flight performance and (relatively) agile missiles could also work. The problem is pure bomber hunters like the Su-9/11, MiG-25, YF-12, etc which would be useless or broken depending on Br with no inbetween.


If the bomber meta was fixed, they’d have a place. First, bombers would need better targets, larger maps, be made more survivable (i.e. not disintegrating at a single 12.7mm bullet), and just having more introduced.


Su-9 can carry also IR guided R-55 which are two times more efficient than R-3S. Also it was testbed for one underhull UPK-23-250 cannon container.
Picture show 4x R-55 missiles on Su-9.
Another picture with R-55 on Su-9.


From what I’ve read the R-55 and R-3S have the same seeker, so it still wouldn’t be very effective

No. R-3S use TGS-13 seeker. R-55 use TGS-59 seeker. Then there is variant R-55M with better S-59M seeker.


+1 good collection

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Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.