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Or just buff the brimstones
We now get two CAS platforms capable of spamming KH-38MT back to back without any penalty since SU-34 and 30 won’t share the same spawn pool, bravo, this will make the imbalance that was acknowledged even worse. God forbid Brimstones be FnF it would be too overpowered. Cool looking aircraft nevertheless, I love Sukhois.
@Stona_WT with the advent of the R-77-1, do developers plan to model the unique drag characteristics of the lattice fins on the missile?
Remove KH-38MT entirely, would be like brimstone, balance.
Russia is the greatest country in the world
Su-30sm very OPPP!!
When I saw that the Su-30SM could carry the KH-38MT that was not supposed to exist, I knew that Russia was the greatest country.
Great aircraft but it definitely doesn’t need Kh-38MTs until you decompress Ground BRs from 12.7.
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peak US main argument
peak nerfed fm today. maybe the usamais are happier now xD
That’s some bussian rias right there
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Kinda funny to make a devblog and say “In thrust we trust” right after nerfing the the plane’s thrust-to-weight ratio just hours ago.
no they just usamain skill optimalizing the plane. gaijin need to do something to make the hornet’s mains happier.
Russian jets are always OP no matter how gimped it is
How big was the nerf ?