I mean, the RNZAF could have told you that as well, seeing as they literally used them as AA bait on exercises due to their speed, or rather lack thereof:
August included a simulated strike against the nuclear-powered cruiser USS Texas, some 300nm north of Whenuapai. On the first strike the Skyhawks went undetected until they were within nine miles of the ship. A second strike some days later was even more successful. 14 Squadron’s Strikemasters were sent in first to almost certain extinction, courtesy of the warship’s anti-aircraft defences. Thus, when the Skyhawks ran in two minutes later, having been guided to their target by a shadowing P-3, the hapless sailors were still in the process of reloading!
From Skyhawks: the history of the RNZAF Skyhawk (WillsonScott, 2011) p.112.