"Storm Warning" Update Trailer!

It simply doesnt fix anything to add thailiand. Not a top tier or with ground. A few 9-11 dont mean anything to me. Nor is that reallly the most made tier in japan is it

US mains are gonna be mad that they got F-2 before F/A-18
simply how the war thunder community goes unfortunelately
and gaijin will likely try to stop the US mains from getting mad
just like how german mains were crying when J-10A came before Eurofighter Typhoon

oh and the icv and rcv dont have access to even though its been shown they have air burst ammo. So there is that.

The us mains would be made that JAPAN got a fighter over due by 1.5 ?

In conclusion:
Don’t whine when you didn’t get what you wanted, celebrate at the fact that they are slowly adding more vehicles
I never expected to see eurofighter or Su-33 in 2024 really, and im happy they added them

See german reaction to J-10 or US main reaction to eurofighter typhoon and Su-33
They simply don’t care that japan needs F-2 or china needs J-10
they just want their stuff to come first
simply how the war thunder community is, it’s immature i understand

you honestly think giving japan the f-2 would make america which has a decent air line up some might even argure the best tt air in game. Why ? Does gajin only add the f-2 the update its not like gaijin has ever just added one thing

I cant belive ppl whining after they got a full sub tree
Man look at israel its like 3 years and we still doesnt have top tier spaa or correct merkava armor

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I’m not celebrating them furthering problems with cas for ground battles or adding more jets. When they glaze over issues caused by adding more jets.

Full sub tree ROFl

Point is if any non-US/German vehicle gets added before their’s they are gonna whine
Again, they don’t care that japan needs F-2, they simply just want what they want

unfortunelately this is the WT community
complains all the time about what they didn’t get



Which German vehicle are you on about?

I don’t see your concerns
F-2 is as much a priority as any other fighter jet in game
If they added F-2 i swear people would simply complain that the F-2 exsists just like the Su-34 and F-15E

you know the the type 81 can be picked off by helicopters sitting on their spawn. Jets good luck seeing one in time to kill it. Italy finally got a radar guided missile equipped spaa. Just Israel and japan remain without a top tier missle armed radar equipped spaa.

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While I do play for fun myself, one cannot deny that WW2 is neglected when it comes to updates.

Sometimes even the exact same aircraft family or the exact same model…

Can have very, very, very different graphical fidelity and systems.

This makes flying a bunch of aircraft from the closed beta release less fun because the cockpits look very… placeholdery.

A lot of WW2 aircraft also cannot open their canopies, which while mostly useless, IS quite handy for improving visibility while landing and has been practiced in real life for naval aircraft.

I really want them to bring rank 2 and other beta aircraft up to the standards of the F4U-4.

The F4U-4 is a beautiful aircraft when it comes to the cockpit.

While layouts are obviously different, surely you can see how even just the F4U-4 - released for 1.71 contrasts the f4u-1 (1.21 update).

And the F4U-1 isn’t even that bad beyond non-functional canopy controls and ugly instruments.



Now, look at the likes of Hellcat, Wildcats and it gets bad.

On functionality,

Some planes’ gunsights are stretched too wide texture-wise, making them non-viable and you’re better off turning them off and shooting from the hip than trying to aim with them even at long range.

Some WW2 aircraft had radars but it’s not present in the cockpit (like f6f-5n)


Some WW2 aircraft have dials that are non-functional and static and cannot be used to fly without a HUD as well as others.

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No it has more prioity as the f-16 variant that was given to japan IS A MADE UP VARIANT. And that the f-2 is long LONG over due

Typhoon in the dance of dragons update
people were like full out whining that we got J-10 lol
Simply because J-10 came and eurofighter didn’t people were whining

Bomber cockpits is pratically the only thing i would deem acceptable complaining not getting added
still though so many 1930s-1960s planes that aren’t in game

Why did gaijin give us the made up f-16 instead of the f-2 ?