Hi there, I found some pictures that might help you modeling the VT5 inside layout.
pic2 is taken in the gunner seat. I highlighted the turret ring. There is no turret basket under it. Pic3 is taken in the driver seat, the turret is placed on the left portion of the picture. Again, empty space under the turret ring.
How was the VT5’s armor designed? As a light main battle tank supposedly capable of withstanding attacks from first and second-generation main battle tanks, how is it possible for its front to be easily penetrated by machine gun fire?
The KE coefficient of the VT5 turret composite armor is only 0.14? Gaijin, do you mean that Chinese composite armor weighs about the same as steel, but its properties are inferior to aluminum?
not good,it should have better armor,even if in higher br.
it just like a bigger LT,and it is featureless now.
it could have been a light mbt,and considering it is a squadron vehicle,that may attract more players try this tank.
but gaijin just ctrl c+ctrl v,as always.
i don’t mean it is a fault,i just disappointted with this car.
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We, the Chinese player community, have provided ample evidence to substantiate the issues we have raised, which warrant necessary revisions. However, to date, the development team and community management have yet to offer a direct or adequate response. Some of their replies have even been deemed disgraceful. After all, even in a vehicle simulation game that embraces creative freedom, there should be a baseline respect for reality. The current disregard for realism has led us to question the underlying reasons. Ultimately, many have concluded that this can only be attributed to racial discrimination.
The problem is that vt5’ s frontal armor can be easily punctured by 12.7 or even 5.8mm strafe, even worse than Type 16 (it can partially resist 30mm). Is that air composite armor in the turret? ))
Not yet, as of RN it is 80mm with less than 50 degree tilt, so not like with a 3.7 BR disadvantage, it will fend off anything. At angles, 30mm apfsds will pen as well, certainly 40 and 57 mm have 0 problem.
My main issue with it is the fact that composite screen has 0.15 effectiveness against kinetic rounds, meaning it literally is less effective that aluminium or even glass in game. Gaijin, time for some science class.
The VT5 is a tank with a weight close to T55. Although it has many auxiliary equipment, its protection should not be similar to that of 2S25m, as it is now,I hope gaijin can pay attention to this
At least half of the data on the VT5 is incorrect, including armor thickness, fuel tank capacity, shell penetration performance, and that inexplicably added ‘bathtub’.
A tanks weight is not an automatic reflection of it’s protection capabilities unfortunately.
Naturally we will review and study any piblciallt available material submitted via reports, but we cannot make changes based solely on the tanks weight.