Will this replace HMS Ark Royal in air SB? Lack of SPAA defence gets annoying
blud doesnt know
I think the joke there was fox 3s against the Su33’s.
yeah he edited his reply
However, will we ever get American carrier after the CV-59 USS Forrestal? With the current US Navy jet reaching up to the F-14B, it is not appropriate to continue to have the Forrestal in the game, which was retired in the early 1990s.
It would be awesome if we gets Kitty Hawk class or CVN-65 Enterprise aka: Big E, or maybe Nimitz class.
Im a slow typer so lol
Will the Kuznetsov also be used in Sim, and there replace one of the Forrestals that are currently used there?
Unlikely. Some minor improvements over the n001, for naval operations mainly, nothing major.
AFAIK no, only few aircraft are “compatible” with such vessel.
I wish we would be seeing carriers in RB again
Oh, come on. Are you kidding? One of the major variants of the Flanker as a squadron vehicle? I’m extremely disappointed that I might never get it without spending ridiculous amounts of GE.
AFAIK it is N001K which is the same as N001
Unusable radar, got it.
Sucks to hear that.
But what does it bring except carrier operability and probably a bit improved flight dynamics?
Are we getting a tech tree variant? Honestly this really shocked me to see it as a squadron vehicle.
Doubt it. Not that big a deal, its just an Su-33.
yup they’ll place one in the berlin puddle
Su-11 Fishpot must be also squadron xD