Squadron Vehicles: CV9035NL


They can’t copy paste it like they can with the CV.

The NL still uses UTAAS does it not? One of the sites has it listed as being mounted on the vehicle alongside the changed thermals. Also strange they denied the bug report for the DK and NL yet the NL still has it on the dev server. Hoping we’ll see the new ammo sometime soon for the NL.

Why is this rank VII despite being the same BR as the DK which is rank VI?

so when the Borsuk coming to War Thunder?? Like honestly when??

“France finally gets a squadron vehicle. Nice”
looks inside
Dutch copy-paste of a Danish (mostly)copy-paste of a Swedish vehicle


For what I know it isn’t the same BR; 10 vs 9.7, because of having extra armor and IRST for locking air target/ballistic computer.

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It is back 9.7 so no vextra 10.0 because it lost it’s IRST

Really? Pfff Gaijin

Congratulations France 👏
Now Italy is the most underdog nation in terms of squadron vehicles.

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Another fantastic copy / paste, thank you! (oh yeah armor plates, sure!)

EBRC Jaguar is a RECCE vehicle not an IFV, and the middle left pic look British, what is that anyway.
So you guys don’t want a Tracked IFV to supplement the large possible group of wheeled indigenous vehicles???

Wheeled is nice in open maps but in city environments not so much. I also like wheeled vehicles like AMX10RC, but they have their limitations.

I get what you mean, but out of all RECCE or IFV vehicles in this picture only the EBRC jaguar is actually in French service, right?

Don’t get me wrong, I’d also like those prototypes in the French Tech tree (as premiums/event/TT vehicles), but I’d think that in-service vehicles are more important for a TT (like the AMX-10P with the missile launcher etc.) than some prototypes.

Then again… The french tech tree is very underpowered at ranks VII and VIII.

Let’s hope that Will be addressed in the next 10 or so updates (hopefully before the Leo 2A8 comes into the game).

Could see a update focusing on light tanks. Wouldn’t suprise me if the boxer and Jaguar were the main focus if they were to add them.

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That would be a very nice idea for an update.

There are quite a few LT’s from almost every nation to add which could help diversify a lot of rank VII-VIII lineups.

Toutatis. It was a testbed for the French EBRC and VBCI turret in the early 2000s. The chassis of the Warrior was used but Britain had nothing else to do with it.

I find tracked IFVs generally perform worse than MBTs in urban environments because IFVs have the same mobility but none of the firepower or armour as MBTs.

Then why not add the VBCI in French service which would also be placed at 9.7?

The “in service” argument is meaningless anyway. America wouldn’t have a top-tier light tank if service vehicles were prioritised. The same goes for a few other countries as well.

Yes, and the last thing it needs is copy and paste shit from a country that no one ever wanted in the first place. It just detracts from the uniqueness of the French tree and makes it less interesting.


Ahh ok thanks, looked like it’d be a Sweden vehicle

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That You personally don’t want them fine, but i want my Country represented in game like many other asking for BENELUX vehicles. And since they are to small for their own TT, I would prefer they were added where they are the most of use. (In GER they would just be reskins)

FRA TT has a GAPING hole from 9.7-11.7, why i get you want to fill this with FRA vehicles. It works with RSA in GBR, FIN/DNK in SWE and HUN in ITA trees. For me this is adding more flavour to TT in general.