Yeah many fighters from that time were successful however the Sopwith Camel holds the record of shooting down 1,294 enemy planes.
Yes, you wrote it in your description. Just saying that calling it “the most successful” based on that, especially when there are no such accurate stats for many of the other mass-produced aircrafts of the war, is still very subjective.
Only thing that matters in any case is that we see it alongside the other aircrafts of the time, in the game.
Is 0.0 even low enough for something like this, how would it compare to the current reserves?
WW1 aircraft are a forgotten era for aircraft in war thunder, they maybe slow but with a new tech tree style and new game mode. This shouldn’t be an issue I mean we have WW1 ships now so why not planes.
They would be pretty bad but overall it could be ok.
This one as well.
It’s not low enough if you want to properly introduce WWI aircraft into war thunder.
They would need to be made a separate TT with a mostly separate MM system to avoid compression/them facing planes 20 years newer.
That’s like calling the Bf 109 the most successful for claiming the most air kills, or the F6F the most successful for the highest K/D, despite both aircraft being objectively worse than their peers.
success doesn’t mean best, the Sherman and T-34 were more successful than any German tanks despite being worse than many, mainly because there were more of them
success is a story, not a statistic
But is it really fair to say something like the F6F is more sucessful than the F4U because the F6F went on less dengerous missions?
Never said it was, like I said success is in the story, the actual details of its use, you can’t really quantify success
But the difference is is how few successful aircraft there was during WW1 than WW2. Given that there’s not many options for most successful as a majority of aircraft performed poorly so the ones that didn’t stand out.
Also by pretty much everywhere I looked they determine most successful fighter for the war by the amount of air victories it had, and since that’s really the best figure to compare with from the time the Sopwith Camel was indeed the most successful fighter of WW1 which is also what is claimed by all the articles I could find.
Should be in BR -1.0.
I was just thinking if WW1 era were to happen then where would the Ottomans go ?
I mean Austria-Hungary can go to Italy via Hungarian sub.
So in order for the Ottomans I guess that means Germany should get Turkey as a sub.
The Ottoman Empire never actually made any aircraft of their own. They mainly relied on Germany to kit out their air force. So I guess some could go to Germany as some cheap premiums since the only differences would be in their skins.
I see, well I’ve made a thread to brain storm ideas on how we could make WW1 work within war thunder.
Would be great to expand the lower part of the aviation tree. WW1 should fill the space between Reserve and 1.5/2 with interwar/early WW2 1-3/4. Obviously moving everything up by 2/3.
well all them where very good pilots cause the rest crashed in training
This is misleading as the sole purpose of a fighter is to shoot down enemy aircraft - in the air, and not on the ground.
- Based on this the Bf 109 series is the most successful fighter aircraft of all time.
- The F6F has an alleged K/D of ~ 19:1 which is far lower that the Finnish B-239s with 33:1.
You confirmed the sole measurement of fighters (=kills) and referred to missing data of contemporary fighters.
Technically seen you have to consider that the total aircraft losses in WW 1 are estimated to be ~ 100.000 aircraft. The 3 major air powers have estimated combat related losses of 4.000 (UK), 3.000 (France) and 3.200 - 4.000 (depending if you want to count so called “walk away losses” for the German Empire).
You can find those figures in rather rare books like The Rand McNally Encyclopedia of Military Aircraft - i have one in my basement.
If you consider that the Albatros D Series fighters were just iterations of the D.I and being the most produced (by far) German fighter but produced in way smaller numbers than 5.000 Camels or 4.000 Spads you might be able to construct a case that the Albatros fighters might be even more successful.
Especially if you consider that data for the Germans showed that 78% of their combat losses were two-seaters or “more seaters” and another 15% related to AA fire and other causes.
This number is imho highly controversial as it would mean that the Camel would have been responsible for ~ 30 - 40% of all German aircraft losses of the entire war in just 12 months of being used as fighter (mid 17 - mid 18).
No offense but the French produced outstanding aircraft too and were reported to have downed more aircraft than the RFC - which had the S.E.5 available too. So even if you find this claim all over the web you might want to decide by your own if it holds water or not.
I saw over the years lots of comments referring to inflated kill numbers as killing observer balloons were counted as air-kills in order to encourage fighters to attack them.