So since the DF 105 is now going to the french tree how about a Begleitpanzer 57 for the swedish tree

Actually britan made the first tank everything can go to them, dont need any other nations in the game tbh

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LOL no.

A CV9035 Mk IV would be a sensible addition.

since france is getting the DF 105 why not, the Begleitpanzer 57 was partially made by bofors

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Give Italy all ships using OTO-Melara guns.

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For a serious answer:

The df105 was supposed to be exported while the begleitpanzer was deveoloped for germany and meant to be used in the german army together with the vt 1-2.

It isnt the same situation. Else a lot of swedish stuff will end up in other trees.
(Funny enough a similar situation would be the amx super which can be only found in the french tree but was upgraded by german companies for export = not intended for france)


6/10 ragebait

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Putting those toxic af tanks in trees that actually have competent players is gonna mean that those BRs will be even more hellish but at least they will go up to a suitable BR

Give britain every tank with the 105mm then >:-)

How about we stop copy and pasting every f’ing vehicle to every tech tree and keep projects to their intended nations not to every nation that contributed every part and every screw?..

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+1, and while at it give germany all 3 strv 122’s cause they use german hull, turret and gun, but give the “german variant” german ammo to make it “unique”

Bofors only gave the gun.

even the leopard 1 uses the british L/7. so nuh uh


there are very little sources online, as far as ive heard bofors developed the turret

youve heard wrong, the begleitpanzer 57 brochure is only stamped by Thyssen henschel


What about the german air tree?

If we remove anything non-native, it doesn’t exist

so taiwan line on china in that logic wouldnt exist lol

So like most countries in-game?

just cancel all tech tree because we are all humans


Add Strv122s to German TT and remove their DM53 cause they dont use them,remove them from swedish TT aswell.

The 122s don’t have DM53?