[Shop] Holiday Sale in the Store

That happens sometimes, but from what I’ve noticed, they usually go down within hours/1 day. Honestly really not a bad thing if someone REALLY wants one of the ones being removed, and wants to get it last last minute at full price. I missed a pack once and would have gotten it full price if it had been there for a few more hours/day. Soooooo, yeah lol.

EDIT: OH and then you have the console issue too. SO even more reason why it prob isn’t horrible if they don’t remove them until console players get a chance (EVEN THOUGH the PC store is separate from the Console stores.) I support everyone having a chance at getting what they want.


Bro i dont wanna make you sad but the Xbox Sale is online and Only American Tree vehicles are on Sale

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Man watching this thread I really feel sorry for Xbox players I would never ever play this game on Xbox…


This better not be our sale…like wtf.


Took me 6 or 7 matches in the M1 KVT to get the skin.

I would have preferred if they had just given the skins to all owners of the packs though.

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I noticed it yesterday and it’s pretty disappointing. Not sure why i expected to have the same sale options as PC.


Only big difference is not having access to the market and having different unannounced sales. So yea I guess it does suck. Just never felt comfortable dropping thousands on a PC when my Xbox runs the game perfectly.


Im on Playstation but sales on it are always few days before PC ones…but again not having access to Market is just like we only play half of the game

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How lovely they put the sales up with only 4 vehicles on sales



Biggest sale of the year, the one everyone waits for. All 4 vehicles on sale. All of them US premiums.

You dropped the ball hard Gaijin, Microsoft cannot be that hard to work with. It would have been better to not run Xbox sales at all this year.


Again, microsoft demands cuts from sales and has to approve everything. You want to blame anyone blame microsoft.

Well I checked the store again today and they still didnt remove the packs they said they would. So those that missed them in the sale can still buy them I think.

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I know you probably don’t have an answer for this but what is the reason that console users cannot purchase packs directly off the Gaijin store? Is it yet another Microsoft bad or a Gaijin bad?

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Same reason as the market area, Microsoft would demand a certain % for every sale because you’re using a console to purchase goods for a f2p game. Which would make it a third party transaction.

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