I just wish gaijin would address the xbox community in this matter. It is super super frustrating. If they’re making a deal with Microsoft, just tell us when.
I got the Su-25K and the Tornado IDS WTD61 on sale earlier this year/last year, I ground out both the Christmas camos for them from the tasks. Just need to play 3 matches with 70%+ activity, any game mode with real players. (I DONT KNOW if that works if you got them from a crate though. Someone asked, but I never found/saw the answer to that). But if you purchased them from the store, you should be able to get camo.
You have until Jan 2nd 11:00 GMT:
Christmas camo end time:
(This time and date auto adjusts to your local computer/device’s own time zone/date)
Ik the end time for the window to acquire, I was asking more of whether people who buy said vehicles at full price (During this sale, forgot to specify) get the camo included in the package or if they have to go thru the challenge itself
IF you purchase it now, camo is given instantly:
You 100% have to do the task if you already had the vehicle and did not purchase it during this sale.
But it’s (hopefully) only 3 matches to win, ezpz 😉
People purchasing during the sale get the camo included in the package, if I hopped on my GJN and purchased the Tornado I’d have it immediately. Xbox users didn’t get the sale due to Michael Software and Gaijoob’s dealings and as such are purchasing full price, I’m wondering if those still paying in full have to do the challenge or if its still included in the package, sorry my questions earlier were incredibly misleading
Oh yeah, if XBox =( I know very little/nothing about console purchases. And like many of you are concerned about, if it takes longer than Jan 2nd, it’s prob not going to happen. Events/tasks/rewards etc pretty much expire right at the same time, nothing retroactive. So I would say 99% odds that if the XBox sale is after Jan 2nd, the camos won’t be rewarded for a purchase =(
IF you mean if they purchased NOW at full price would you they get the camo, I would say I THINK they would. But don’t bet money on my speculation. (And I still don’t have any solid evidence and 0 experience on how events/camos/tasks cross over between the game and Xbox)
Yeah that’s kinda how I was expecting. If Xbox doesn’t get the sale by the 31st then it’s unlikely we’re getting it period (iirc Xbox sale periods start/renew on Tuesdays though I may be wrong)
AH-64D still not on the PS store…
probably around the 10th the Xbox sale will happen this years “christmas” sale was on 9th january if i remember correctly
I already have all but one of the vehicles. These missions to get the holiday skins would be no problem if the rules were just to participate in a battle with the vehicle at 70%. But the rules demand the win. And the camos can’t be purchased as an extra bundle or with golden eagles.
I’m a disabled old man with bad eyesight, poor reflexes, hand tremors and the inability to play the game 24/7. I stick to arcade so I don’t get in the way of more serious players. In the past three days I have played many dozens of missions and only got qualified wins on six missions so far and haven’t unlocked anything. On battles where I have managed to be in the top three, and even some first place, have all been losses. To say this is frustrating is an understatement.
Basically, I can’t get these skins because I didn’t wait for a sale that I didn’t know would happen. I even paid more for these vehicles than the current sale price, obtaining them at full price and even in pre-orders for updates.
I understand Gaijin’s main goal is to make money, but you would think they would at least consider the casual player and allow an easier way for obtaining extras like this for vehicles that would still make Gaijin money. Selling a skin bundle, placing them on the market or selling them for golden eagles would add money to their bottom line instead of making their customers frustrated enough to walk away from the game.
Heya friend, as far as the getting the Christmas camos for the tanks, the easiest/best way to get a higher activity % is to go and sit in a capture point. Doesn’t matter if it is a capture zone that your team already controls, if you are inside a cap zone, your activity % goes up at a rate HIGHER than 100%/min. So, at least for the tanks that you have and want the Christmas camos for, this should make it a lot easier for you to accomplish.
I did not know that. Thanks so much for the suggestion. I will definitely do that.
They do come around, but not for the premium vehicles that cost ge, only the pack ones.
You a collector too? Don’t see a lot of people like that
Yep, I love planes and tanks but getting into IRL models would take up a bit too much space, so being able to own and play all the things I love in war thunder is as good as it gets!
Same here. I have been building models since I was a kid and was even a member of the International Plastic Model Society. Even won awards in contests. Now that I’m older my eyesight is terrible, my hands have tremors and my respiratory issues keep me from using a lot of the thinners I used to use. However, I can create the stuff I want on War Thunder Live and everyone can enjoy it.
Just letting you know that the spawn point suggestion works beautifully. My participation % has gone up by a lot. However, I am still losing all the battles. I’ve tried simulator and even realistic. The teams I am on get overrun not long after the start. Kind of sad.
Makes me wonder if there is an algorithm that sorts all of the low win % players to one team and all the high win % players on the other. I can’t seem to penetrate anything when I shoot at it and if I get so much as grazed my gun is knocked out, the engine stops working, the crew is unconscious and the track fall off. LOL!!!
Add me if you want some wins, lets squad up and get them :)
Thanks so much. Unfortunately, I have stuff to do for New Years Eve. I may be able to play here and there but this evening in impossible. I will get fondue tonight though. :)
I really appreciate the offer. I think I can at least get the aircraft skins on my own. I do much better with the air mission than I do the ground. I’m close on the Abrams and the T-80 was the one I was able to purchase. The ones that I am really sucking at are the Leopard and Challenger. Absolutely zero qualifying wins so far. I am concentrating on those but may only have tomorrow to really sit down for a long session.
Again, thanks for the offer. That’s really awesome of you. I hope you have a great New Year and maybe I’ll see you tomorrow in the game.
Same for me, I meant tomorrow as well, as I believe it’s included in the challenge. I’ll be partying with family through the day and night as well haha. Happy new years to you as well and absolutely hit me up in game tomorrow and we’ll make it happen.