[Shop] Holiday Sale in the Store

Why I have the f104 TAF on Xbox? Wasn’t it removed from the store? Then if I buy it I’m getting it?

That’s a microsoft thing, I think sony has seperate dates too compared to xbox but again i’m not familiar with console sales.
Not saying it will come Jan 9th, Just giving a ballpark based off previous date.

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The FFA P-16 will be removed, dose someone know if i can use ge to get it later, or it just get removed.

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China has a lot of its own developments, it will have its own Flankers, new modifications of Firebirds, its own air-to-air missiles, its own unique fifth-generation fighters. Israel will have several interesting modifications that the United States will not have. Sweden will have grippen E, France will have rafale and mirage 2000.


China is what the USSR would be with actual funding and with little budget cuts.

J-7BGI > MiG-21-93

J-16 > SU-35S

JH-7A2 > SU-34M

J-10C > MiG-35

J-8F > SU-15


i bought OES by more than 4800 eagle two days before, now you tell me you have pack to sell? so i am a joker?

Great, my card keep geting declined and it will not be resolved in several days, just in time when sale end.

Still, they are the same as last year if not better

@gromvoiny removal of the FFA P-16 Pack realy stands out, will it be planned to be readded as GE ?
Because it pretty much didnt exist at all, its still brand new


pretty bad rn would wait for a rank 8 prem unless you have to grind ussr air rn

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Why isn’t the Swedish 2a4 not on sale ??

also why isnt the av-8b+ on the sale? it was no premium vehicles from 2 updates ago. unless you just decided to chance that so people dont get to buy the premiums on sale that were added on the dance of the dragons update. extremely dumb or is the may sale where you do premium packs from 2 updates ago and december update 3 updates ago? no you just for this sale. decided that it was going to be from 3 updates ago instead the normal usual 2. good job gaijin

2023 december sales. why is it now 3 instead of the normal 2?

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When do Xbox sales happen?

genuinely wanna know the “reasoning” behind this without telling us at all about this chance and just sneaking it in

when the guys from the microsoft team decide to run them

I hate playin on Xbox.

might come back as a GE premium later on

Well 5k eagles is 25 euros, while the pack is 35 euros, you do get 2.5k eagles and premium time for 20 days. So 25 euros + 12.5 euros and 6.6 euros. So you have 44 euros worht of stuff in pack? But I mean you can still get the camo.

But tbh there was no way we could know it would come as pack this time, so if your goal was only to get chally OES then I dont see any problem.