Server technical difficulties - problems resolved

Same for me. Cannot start a battle with a squad.

Working on it.
Task no.6 for Call of the Dragon event will be extended tomorrow.


squad invites don’t work and we still get operation timed out even mid round

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Passed to devs, thanks.

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Got the same Problem, had it last week too.Won´t play with my Son.


Are the devs going to fix the shots that go through enemies because the server doesn’t detect them?
Apart from that, since the GF started it seems that the servers do not detect even half of the shots when you use a 20mm cannon, for example with the Marder A1 I was shooting an M109 head-on for at least three or four seconds, no I was doing nothing to him and when he shoots and kills me it turns out that I killed the shooter and half the crew, when what should have happened is that he would have killed the M109 in the first burst. That has happened to me on countless occasions when they are 20mm cannons, however curiously with the 30mm kugelblitz I have not experienced those problems.

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How does that help though? Monday early afternoon isn’t the same thing as Sunday late afternoon, this might be the only period they had time to play.

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Very useful to spread it out when people work or study. Haha they laugh in our face.

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Then buy it with GE

Operation timed out


Yep. It’s happening again.

They’re getting DDoS’d by somebody over and over again.

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“problem resolved” = still a problem xD

Oh yeah great, we should give Gaijin money because they can’t go a week without the server going down.


Once again, round 2 I guess.

Let’s see if they fix it properly.

Well, that’s the problem with attacks. You don’t so much “fix” them as you do just relocate to dodge them. Once they set up another one, you have to do the same thing all over again.

I swear, I wish they’d make anybody that DDoS’s serve life in prison without the possibility of parole. It’s beyond ridiculous that something so juvenile is still allowed to happen in the 21st century.

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Never mind i just had to scroll up. Thanks gaijin for giving us more time on the event.

What kind of caves do people come out of ? Haha it’s mind boggling 😂

Since when does the customer pay for a service problem ?

Issue has started again. I am getting time-outs when trying to join battles.

Love getting the time out message in the middle of a battle when flying a plane.