Server technical difficulties - problems resolved

Playing 20min straight baby, be sad people and be happy after because i play you not baby

Show proof. You lie

Gaijin needs to bring back the panther 2 for our time


It would be nice if the snail can tel us how long they think this is gona take

It’s not. Time isn’t free.

Well it doesn’t to me.

Past 3 hours were literally the only time i could’ve played today.

Even if it doesn’t matter for you, for others it might.

Yeah, no one else could possibly be as busy as you are…

How self-centred can you even be.

Because it’s TIME LIMITED and we are losing said time, because of their shitty servers.


Not quite! That time spent on marks can’t be brought back. What if you aim for the 8/8 completion? or 7/8 and get nothing? I believe that’s what irritates people, and that’e exactly why I stopped doing any kind of events for a long time now. Also not pumping any more money into this game.



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Yep and it will go to drum roll please …………… 7.7

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people here nagging that you don’t have something to do!
THIS IS THE most economical form of entertainment!

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I completely agree

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They don’t know as they have not yet located the issue.

Thousand 1000s of code

When will it be fixed?


boys, im in


same i am in

cap so pick

its working again

War thunder tell us how long this is gona take

i am in too