Server technical difficulties - problems resolved

And i’m in :)

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I am perfectly calm?


How is it so hard to understand?

Again. Past 12 days of grinding.

And your argument was that you must be busier than he is? Sounds self-centred to me.

Yeah. That is extremely self-centred…

Dude… Quote me being “bent out of shape”…

And? That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t compensate for their problems.


“Sorry fam, but you have scored only 730K so no coupon for you…Yes, you got like 300K more points than was needed to get the tank itself, but is it really THAT bad? Like you don’t even have anything to do in your life outside of grinding 45K points per day, given that you are playing War Thunder. Oh, and you don’t donate, so you totally deserved it tho” (C) Gaijin destroys liberals with facts and logic

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WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! jk. The servers are back up again

wich event you’re talking about

Call of the Dragon this one

i in no way condone this and think it’s a scummy tactic…


logic and reason also states that in a capitalist business model, if there is an issue (whether Gajins fault or not), compensate the player base, make them happy. In the short term they lose some money sure… but in the long term, happy players spend more

Please refill the hamster’s water bottle while you’re at it, thanks

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now servers work fine?

So far so good

matchmaking is slow

It’s working for me now. No longer stuck at loading screen and I can join battles. Online and battle numbers also look normal.

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Not “or”, “and”

Anything new while i was gone?

Bro’s in 32:9

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Thanks for posting something is wrong and my account was not banned 🤣.

im 1.5 mil SL short and no 25 boxes on my account lets gooo

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My boxes were also gone :(

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If you have any issues with inventory, please be sure to restart game, so inventory sync again.
If problem happen even after restart, please contact our support via ticket here:


Happened to me too, it happens frequently when these issues occur. Just restart the game and it should be fine, or check your personal inventory with a browser instead of the in game inventory