Semovente M43 da 149/40.

The Breda at 4.7 gets uptiered to 5.7 every single Match and suffers

The P-40 is underpowered, it’s gun has very similar performance to the American M3 75mm, but not according to gaijin apparently

The AB-43 would perform the same at 2.7 as it would at 8.7, I’ve got aces with the AB-43 at 8.0

This will be at 6.7 because gaijin doesn’t let Italian stuff be fair

The AB-43 is the same BR as the puma, with less armor, less horse power, a worse gun, worse reaction time and a worse crew layout

The Dardo and Bradley are pretty much the same vehicle, but gaijin puts them a full br separate

Italian vehicles over perform in game, so gaijin nerfs them to hell


What is bro yapping on about? Puma is 3.3 and AB43 is 2.7

ZSU-57-2 , 2S1 , M36B1 , M18 , BTR-80A , T-72M1 are all same br as their counterparts, if Italy was “Unfair” these would be in different brs. I play Italy alot and there is not a hint of unfairness, infact Italy is one of the more fun nations to play.

No it is not, I have best KD in it. The P40 is my go to tank for some gaurenteed fun.

Breda doesnt suffer, it is an excelent vehicle which I even bring up to 6.7

I admit I do not have any expirience with the Dardo

If they were nerfed so much, why are they still viable?

In conclusion, this will not be at a br of 6.7

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That was before the change

And 2.7 didn’t exist, they would end up at 3.0 together all the time

Gaijin did try to move the Italian M26 up and the German M48 down

Due to massive backlash, they reverted it

The Breda 501 gets uptiered a lot, and due to this, it can’t do what it’s supposed to be able to
Aka front penning enemy armor

Due to its speed, like with other vehicles, it remains viable
But similar vehicles don’t get the same punishment

I’m not saying Gaijin treats Italy like no one else and gives them worse BR’s across the board
But the G.55s1 and XP-50 have the same stats and a 1.0 br difference

Italian stuff over performs, it gets bumped up
It remains viable because literally anything that can penetrate 100mm is “viable”
But it’s not about viability, it’s about fairness

This could absolutely be viable at 6.3
Should it be there? Absolutely not
But it hasn’t stopped gaijin before
That’s my point Mr “yapper”

Who’s the yapper? The man who yaps? Or the man who yaps to he who yapped first?

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No, italian players over performs. If all Italian players started playing only AB41 in a good way, you can bet Gaijin would raise the BR of it too.

2.7 do exist with a line-up of Zrinyl II, M15/42. You can pop the 75/34 in the line up too. Either way, gaijin balances on performance not line ups, it is player’s choice to up tier vehicles.

They did try, but wasn’t implemented.

Breda is supposed to be used as a flanker, brawler or sniper. Not supposed to face the enemy front on.

Fast vehicles get the same punishment, the PUMA a WHOLE br bracket, M18’s moved up a WHOLE br bracket (it was once 4.7). And the most infamous, the EBR 1951/4 both got HEAVILY punished. I can name a whole lot more.

Dont know cas

Anything that over preforms gets moved up or will eventually get moved up.

It wont be.

I am just correcting the incorrect facts you listed out.

In conclusion this vehicle will not be at a br of 6.7 as YOU listed.

+1 funny italian thing (Let’s hope that it gets added as a researchable vehicle and not a event one)

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The Italian Long Gun :D

Funny but not sure how effective that could be with all the limitations of the vehicle.

Well, it was designed for long-range fire, not close quarters.

Definitely not hilly maps, I think max depresion angle will be -2 for this gun. Maybe even 0
